Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thinkin' Big....

One thing that may never be the same in me is the way I think big. I have been spending time studying leaders, heroes, success. The personality traits that do not cast vision on limitations, are able to look beyond everyday and see a miracle. Biblically, they are disclosed throughout time, the examples are many and rich in takeaway.

What I see in the "visionary" at our church is not to settle, the vision set in place is not to draw your attention to the members of the body, what they tithe...... The focus is on people coming through the doors and saying "Wow, look what God is doing here..." That's right, the focus is on Christ, the movement of God. This may all seem semantics, I think it is more foundational. The building blocks are firmly set in stone, it is not about what the body is doing, it is about what He is doing through His body. It becomes more focused on the "supernatural" power of Christ. The vision itself is "So that people far from God will be filled with life in Christ."

Here's a tie in for me, see Biblical heroes all had one focus, vision, they had faith in God. They believed beyond the odds, limitations and their abilities in the power of God. Some faced battles knowing God would complete the vision, some reluctantly served thinking God could - so they took action. Success is built foundationally on taking action in the small things, faith developed by taking that first step......big is a culmination of my small actions, serving the supernatural through Him, He makes the small "BIG."