Monday, May 5, 2008

I feel like a parent.....

I often have this feeling of a parent waiting for my child to come home. At least the way I used to make my mother wait, perhaps payback! Our hours of operation are 8-5, not too early as far as I am concerned. Every morning I wait for their arrival, I have a couple of guys who used to be at least 15 minutes early everyday, this makes me happy! Yet, I have 2 that have this chronic problem of being late. Consistently, I ask them to correct their timeliness, as it is a pet peeve of mine. Time always works itself out here, yet I struggle with the understanding of why this is so difficult. I sit at my desk and wait, watching the clock and pray I may get over this issue, as I know their value is greater than my issue with tardiness. They resolve to be better about this and it works for a couple of days at best. I allow a great deal of freedoms, offer great benefits and pay well. I want this to be a place we all flourish and enjoy, it is not a dictatorship, I am however the employer, where's the line? We have an awesome chemistry here offering an incredible weave of abilities, and balanced personality.
Here's the interesting thing, the ones who are early have not rubbed off on the one's whom are late. It is the exact opposite, this affects the whole negatively, an example, one who arrives early has now started to simply sit in the parking lot until others arrive. There are a number of ways in which I could take this, I will try an focus on one direction, good luck! As this is a thorn in my side on a number of levels.

My spirit can also be infected by an infiltration of negative thought, if I do not stop it through any combination of actions. No matter how many things I am doing right, the constant relapse of thought can permeate my whole attitude. Allowing the negative to have topography in my life, if left unattended will take hold, take root and take over. When preparing a meal, it can be the most beautiful dish, plated with prime ingredients, however one over seasoned part can bear distaste to the entire meal. 2Corinthians 10:5