Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Givin' your all...

I could not believe my ears on Sunday while watching football, I heard an announcer make the statement about a wide receiver in the game who was blocking for another member of his team. The play did not revolve around him, yet he participated. As if this was not expected, initiative he took on his own. No, it is a team sport and requires the team to play at their best. It disgusts me to hear about these egos, their wages could support a village and some. To hear about the demands and stipulations placed on team sports by individual athletes. Now granted they are the cream of the crop in their discipline, but why is it put up with? Because someone will, can't beat them join them mentality.
It is the crevasse where capitalism & free enterprise meets compromised integrity or stupidity. This may even be why the economy in the US is suffering from the very same, when the demand is high, supply dictates.
I am rewarded to serve the best, who demands the highest level of game. Who demands participation on every play and when my game is not at the top, the team does not look back to me and give up. No, they step up and realize what needs to be done, fill the void and teach me what it means to be a part of a team. They expect me to be a part of every play no matter what my role is going to require, I count on them and they count on me. Participation is not about perfection, it is about committed effort. That means I am in every play with or without the ball.
Nowhere do I see this more than at a church, the leadership, staff recognizes that without the wire to the speakers, someone praying for others, hands moving cars through a parking lot and a smile greeting - the game will be lost. Jesus paid too high a price for me to sit out this play, I must always be spiritually invested. Every Sunday I am amazed at how this plays out, and the commitment to improve is never sacrificed for ego. I am grateful to have such an awesome power of example in my life, shouldn't the church be leading the way?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Economic stimulous....

My suggestions after considerable consideration to helping the current state of the nation are as follows. If we were to start a movement to donate all of our pennies back to the government for the bail out of the financial investment markets, mortgage companies, and now the insurance industry, we could make a number of statements all at the same time....
1. Rebellion because the cent symbol was deleted from the keyboard (personal favorite)
2. Help get billion dollar industries back on their feet to mismanage more of our future.
3. Help the suffering CEO's support their lifestyles.
4. The government could purchase some "CoinStar" machines instead of a bailout, a better investment than the banks.
5. Make a significant statement as the corporations bring rolls, bags, boxes and jars of pennies to pay their bills now to the "Government CoinStar" according to my calculations for every 10 million in pennies that equals 800 thousand the government recovers for additional overspending.
6. Automatically the penny becomes phased out, as we donate them to this bailout it will be the last we ever see of the penny. Saving the government even more money as the mint no longer produces them.
7. Increase space under the bed, in the closet, reducing clutter all over the house. Saves gas as the gross weight of vehicles everywhere are lightened by the emptying of ashtrays and cup holders everywhere, all this just seems better for the environment all the way around.
8. It allows us to make the statement to all parties involved in this bailout what we think of them. Both a statement that we wish to treat them like we treat the penny (suggesting they are dispensable bursting their arrogant bubbles and over inflated market value) and we are also helping them, well bailing them out. Perhaps they will even be more honest about their earnings, value and worth, adding accountability to their existance, that's just silly!
9. Now my platform may be slightly skewed, not hold water, nor really solve a problem - that's why I am saying it, who knows a political office may be in my future!
10. It does however get rid of the 5 gallon bucket full of pennies we so hopefully call the "Disney Fund." It will be a sacrifice as this is the year we are going to take that bucket and go to Disney, proving what a real savings account look like!
11. This may be the end of "short sale" and "holds" that may be the root of this whole problem to begin with.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thanks Mack...

This may not answer the questions from last post, perhaps they can begin to explain some even deeper questions like what makes Disney, Disney..... Most would not even remember it started way back when with Annette & Frankie!
Disney Lab Unveils Its Latest Line Of Genetically Engineered Child Stars

Pushing my luck...

On the heels of those wishes granted, I thought I would propose a question that has been hidden inside for years in the hopes the answer would revealed. I think I am a relatively intelligent man with some propensity for advertising. General understanding of marketing, promotion and sales. All this being said, I drive by a used car lot and see these cars on the property with their hoods up, doors open and flashers on.....What's up with this?
I drive by and think to myself,
Hood up means "universal sign of car trouble!" Go figure, a used car lot with a potential lemon.
Doors open "emptying everything out to get to the spare tire or the rapture happened and those at the dealership are left behind!"
Flashers on "signaling you need help or lining up for a parade!"
I ask myself every time if I am missing something? I just do not understand, are these the thoughts they have intended me to have?
I have a goal before my time passes to understand the car selling/buying game. The answer to this may help me in this trivial pursuit!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dreams do come true...

I have to share with you, today was a lucky day. Going about my business, doing what I do, what do I do? Anyway, it seems just last Sunday talking with my personal genie(I did not even know he was my genie!), I shared a couple of my wishes, today he granted them. I will say it was only 2 out of 3, you still have room for improvement!
My genie is "shasian" (shaven-asian), he has so many characteristics that I would want (or better honed), a mentor of genius I would say. Not just genius, "creative genius with ninja like mind, fast and stealthy. Teaching grasshopper without grasshopper even knowing of it's learning!" A way of being practical and push the envelope both at the same time. Just recently featured in the illustrious "Collide" magazine he was, along with some "cooleagues." Just wanted him to know how grateful I am to have been able to have a couple wishes granted! I felt like I was at Disney, if you could arrange that too (all expenses paid preferably!) I choose not to share what he did for me, he knows what he blessed me with and that is the most important. They may have seemed small, but I really got the big picture! Who knows maybe one day it will happen again! Funny, cause I was just getting used to my "mexasian" (pronounced "me'c-a-sion") genie! He inspires me to be better, for that I thank the Lord for men like him in my life! Oh, happy day....now if only "La-Hu" would stick.....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Challenged by others...

What do you call someone who punches in, bears no responsibility, motivation for payday and loiders in mediocrity? Someone who accepts no challege to grow, learn or instruct others?
I think I have the answer, employees of mine! Do not get me wrong, these guys are great, but they do not allow themselves room for improvement, revision or constructive feedback. When this environment really fosters growth and vision that is the fruit it will bear. They are not pushed hard enough or pushed by each other.

I have been thinking of our business a great deal, asking what needs to change so it is not a continuous cycle of just getting by. I know that when my hockey team plays teams above our level, we typically exceed expectations. We raise our level of play, I know this is true for me. The better my competition, the harder their shot, instinct takes over in my game. You see years of play provide the experience to be able to instinctively evaluate the puck position, body language and watch their eyes to know where they are looking to place the puck. In milliseconds the body responds to the input and makes the save. When playing below our level, anticipation & instinct can only be based on best guess not experience. With lower skill set, your aim could be for the corner mishit the puck and you've scored, logic, game scenario, odds or positional play are removed. You never really know what could happen.

I am used to playing at a higher level in business, because I have everything to lose. My employees have nothing to lose because it is allowed. I was out to lunch with a friend and mentor the other day, I was describing what was going on, he said, "God has great plans for you, getting smaller is not what I see from Him. You have everything you need to excel and dominate." See as I serve in the church I have everything to lose, their is an urgency because lives are on the line. I serve with heart and soul, I need to make sure I am teaching the same thing in our business. I need to step up take charge and set my standards, living by them. By golly, get on board or I am going to kick you off this train. I am tired of being the only one stretching here. I asked what these accomplishments meant that God has blessed onto our business, He is telling me we are capable of being so much more, trust in Him and work hard, it is OK to expect it from those around me. I am being compromised by wearing all the hats because others are not stepping up to wear theirs. Let's work a little competition into this place and watch what I know we are capable to delivering, to exceed expectations can be my only focus to succeed.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What a dog told me.....

I met a dog today, doggone he was a happy boy! He was so excited to see me, his tail a waggin' his whole body was shakin' waiting for me to get close and pet him. There is nothing to me like the way a dog greets you, I feel special simply by their excitement. Let's call him "Buddy," He just couldn't hold back his glee, I was calling for him as I neared, with a howl and grunts He answered back. I called to Buddy, he was springing in the air.
I finally was able to pick him up and get kisses from him. Sniffing me, licking my face and wagging his tail that kept whacking me in the side with his excitement! I put Buddy down and bent down to play with him. He kept following me everywhere, bumping into me to get my attention. He came over at one point and sat on my foot until I bent down to pet him. He's a happy dog......what I did not tell you is Buddy has 3 legs, you would never even notice he was not like the other dogs! He may have some sort of handicap, it never even phased him. He was not down, beaten, resentful or seeking pity. He was just like the others, bounding like the others...acting like the others...no he was actually more incredible than any of the others. He made me feel like I was the only thing he was thinking about, I was the most important to him.
The first thought I came away with, he never complained about his physical limitations, he worked around them in perfect harmony with his personality...Buddy. He was a goofy puppy that loves life no matter what it looked like! His enthusiasm is kenetic.
The second thought was (pardon the comparison to a dog) the Lord, how he feels about me. No judgement is placed who I was, what I have done, of how I have gotten here. Oh how He loves me, knows me and believes in me. One thing is certain I am always greeted with loving and open arms, with an excitement that has truly become contagious in my heart.
Thanks to my friend, let's call Him Buddy!

Monday, September 15, 2008


The Lord seems to have me in a period of pruning, that I may bear fruit. Pastor Furtick's message from 2 weeks ago, from the Gospel of John 15. verse 2 He cuts off the branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
I am learning about remaining in the vine, the real significance of believing and being nourished.
Here's my best attempt at where I am at now in my life. The irony in my journey, last week I received information that our business was selected as 1 of Wood 100's top small businesses of the year. In fact they have rated us at #43 in the nation, the criteria for this qualification is based on many different factors, not easily achieved as we only supply information and they research the factors and examine the prior years as well. This is awesome, Praise God. I really do not know how to celebrate, as this is truly His achievement not mine.
Sandra and I have trusted in Him for all the growth, change and transformation over the last 4-5 years to bring us where we are today. About 13 years of believing I had something to do with success before now. I stand again at the turning point, as I have no understanding of what I can do now. We have been in overdrive over the last couple of months, turning projects away as we did not have the time to take more work. Jobs lined up in cue, for whatever reasons beyond my control and in part could have controlled. Delays, economy and simple uncertainty finding work is difficult right now.
So what am I trying to say? All the awards, publicity and achievements mean nothing without trusting in Him. Being named the 43rd in the nation will do nothing to pay my bills, trusting that He is in control and loves us makes the pain of pruning that much bearable knowing we will bear fruit. More important that He is in control, submitting myself to the truth and getting out of His way while He shapes our future.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trojan horse realization.....

I am beginning to mature as a business owner. The light bulb went on yesterday as my eyes were opened to business and spiritual parallels.
A job came into our shop, really because our samples were brought to other shops and they could not produce the finish, style and details we had on these specific samples. Our cost was higher to produce this product than other shops. By the very fact our samples were in other shops was an alarm sounding, but I did not heed the warning! Here's what is interesting spiritually, I was asked to look again at our cost and can we do some value engineering to be able to help and build the job on a more obtainable budget. Reluctantly, I agreed and followed through on this found ways to cut cost and made concessions on our end to work outside of our margins. It will move quickly is relatively simple project with accelerated timeline. I must commit those words to memory. Concessions were discussed and understood, I thought. I have to say I place a lot of faith in conversations without documenting thoroughly, just brief notes and verbal understanding. This client is great, kind and wonderful, I had some real peace about making these concessions. What has happened, absolutely everything is under extreme scrutiny almost to say if there are 3 knots on the wood there should have been 4 or 2. Any job that begins with negotiation in my experience, does not end until that last negotiation is won. It inevitably will be costing me money, time, effort and other opportunity. It is ridiculous, the details do not matter beyond the real spiritual significance.

Here's what I believe spiritually, I came into this allowing compromise to my belief, a man is worthy of his hire....I was willing to compromise what I believe (integrity), what works (experience) and more important allowed this compromise to leave an opening. This vulnerability exposes me and allows topography in my life to be unguarded. This small opening comes under attack and next thing you know a Trojan horse has compromised the fortress walls. I am now totally at the mercy within my own walls of this attack, no one is to blame but me for letting the area be unguarded. Stand firm in the faith of steadfast understanding and remain guarded, He will restore you.

Here is my direct analogy - I am allergic to cats, kittens are cute! If I allow a kitten to come into my home, it will not be long before I will will be paying the price and coughing blood! Does that make any sense?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Romance.....& the Kohler company

Yea, so Sandra and I celebrated a wedding anniversary last week, I know most reading this(probably even her!) ask how could she put up with me? If that alone does not prove the existence of a Lord and Savior what could? Let's move on, she has put up with me, some things you can't explain! Ok so now, what could be more romantic on your porcelain anniversary than a new toilet, I hope 14th is porcelain or this whole theory of my thought process and gift idea is in vain! Hey, Wes, I said theory and my thought process in one sentence! Again proving there is a God!
Now back to the story, not just a toilet, but an ADA approved unit. Taller for comfort of it's users. Not just taller, but elongated for the better fit. Not just taller and elongated, but good for the environment. Yes, with just a half the water from our older junked unit. Take that! I have to tell you both of us are in awe of the wonder Kohler company has created. I mean this is like the lap of luxury, staying at the Ritz-Carlton, first class ticket, it has changed my world! Who knew?
So best of all I have to tell you personally, not just taller, elongated, environmentally favorable it potentially will improve my golf game! How you ask? Let me tell you, the marketing information clearly stated "it can handle a bucket of golf balls in a single flush." What does this mean to me, I will finally get a hole in one! If I wasn't scared to ruin the plumbing in our house I would follow through with their promise! I have to tell you with the wonders it already performs, I may just believe them. When you buy one for your house, I will try that little golf ball experiment at your house!
I think people were a little taken back when Sandra was boasting of her anniversary present from yours truly. She was happy telling our friends.....this may just go down in the annals of history as one of the most romantic gifts to date! Here's to the challenge to top that next year! I am just happy that our old one held out long enough to tick her off enough that this one was like sent from heaven! I had been planning this gift for some time! Yes, it would have been entirely possible to put another $20 "fix-it" kit into the old one, but not half the story to tell for years to come! Makin' memories....best of all we laughed and still are laughing, a happy ending (no pun intended!) Just one question, does this mean our marriage is going to the pot? Just a little potty humor, get it?!!!!
Happy Anniversary, I love you more than ever, thanks for putting up with me!

Monday, September 8, 2008

hello, old friend....

There are a few friends in your life you have not seen for some period of time. It is effortless to catch up, as if those moments in between had never been there. Simply a comfort and chemistry that allow catching up in an instance. Today I was reunited with an old friend, this morning was special, long anticipated, and well worth it. I look upon this friend with anxious eyes, moments of small talk, greetings and we embraced. Yes how I have missed my old friend, but here you are right next to me, it has been 21 days since the last time we saw each other. I was almost shaking with joy, when I took that first long sip, oh yes, it is good to be reunited with my old friend caffeine! The irony is thick, as you forget after a period of time the things you did not like about this friend, like queasy stomach, jitters and shakes. I sit and wonder if just maybe we were not meant to be reunited to begin with, just when I was getting used to spending virtually no money in the course of the day, hello Starbucks...I'm back.
What did I learn? I think I like the culture of Starbucks more than I like the products, today! I enjoy the people that work those early hours, they are a lot like me. My first cup of liquid gold was free from money, but the price may have been to high.... Oh what to do????.....Just when I really was comfortable without you, life was good and my instant sleeping incidences had subsided I have to decide!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Addiction in an instance....

What I have noticed about myself through this time of the Daniel Fast, I have abstained from a number of my crutches. Caffeine, sugar, meat, preservatives along with cigars. I have been able to move beyond most of these nutritional crutches, for this period of time without much repercussion. However, cigars, this has been a tremendous battle internally, and 17 days later does not seem to be any easier. First, let me admit that I am addicted to cigars, I can not remember the last time I went this long without one. So this addiction may not cause me to loose my family or business for me it is not "cigars," it is the addictive behavior I watch.
What is most fascinating to me is the fact I have battled drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, porn - with His power I have been able to walk free from these addictive behaviors. They have presented their own struggles, but the freedom is a result of perseverance & His power in my life. What is most incredible about addictive compulsion and behavior is I can be in the Word, praying focused on Him, in a millisecond I am in the throws of desire. So quickly, it is almost as if I never had the resolve moments ago, it may take another addictive personality to understand this. More over an addict is compulsively drawn, all rational thought is out weighed by the addictive draw, this is why most would roll the dice that they can do this again without regard to what they have to loose. Any addiction I have struggled with is the exact same, I can have the greatest resolve not to live this way and whoof I am back in the presence of what I desire to give up. Proof positive that for transformation to take root it takes more than white knuckles and self will to break free from the bondage. His power and grace in my life is the only real answer.
Just tiring learning how addictive my personality really is, over and over one for another. The only answer is to stay close to Him, Victory is His and it is for me!