Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What a dog told me.....

I met a dog today, doggone he was a happy boy! He was so excited to see me, his tail a waggin' his whole body was shakin' waiting for me to get close and pet him. There is nothing to me like the way a dog greets you, I feel special simply by their excitement. Let's call him "Buddy," He just couldn't hold back his glee, I was calling for him as I neared, with a howl and grunts He answered back. I called to Buddy, he was springing in the air.
I finally was able to pick him up and get kisses from him. Sniffing me, licking my face and wagging his tail that kept whacking me in the side with his excitement! I put Buddy down and bent down to play with him. He kept following me everywhere, bumping into me to get my attention. He came over at one point and sat on my foot until I bent down to pet him. He's a happy dog......what I did not tell you is Buddy has 3 legs, you would never even notice he was not like the other dogs! He may have some sort of handicap, it never even phased him. He was not down, beaten, resentful or seeking pity. He was just like the others, bounding like the others...acting like the others...no he was actually more incredible than any of the others. He made me feel like I was the only thing he was thinking about, I was the most important to him.
The first thought I came away with, he never complained about his physical limitations, he worked around them in perfect harmony with his personality...Buddy. He was a goofy puppy that loves life no matter what it looked like! His enthusiasm is kenetic.
The second thought was (pardon the comparison to a dog) the Lord, how he feels about me. No judgement is placed who I was, what I have done, of how I have gotten here. Oh how He loves me, knows me and believes in me. One thing is certain I am always greeted with loving and open arms, with an excitement that has truly become contagious in my heart.
Thanks to my friend, let's call Him Buddy!