Monday, September 8, 2008

hello, old friend....

There are a few friends in your life you have not seen for some period of time. It is effortless to catch up, as if those moments in between had never been there. Simply a comfort and chemistry that allow catching up in an instance. Today I was reunited with an old friend, this morning was special, long anticipated, and well worth it. I look upon this friend with anxious eyes, moments of small talk, greetings and we embraced. Yes how I have missed my old friend, but here you are right next to me, it has been 21 days since the last time we saw each other. I was almost shaking with joy, when I took that first long sip, oh yes, it is good to be reunited with my old friend caffeine! The irony is thick, as you forget after a period of time the things you did not like about this friend, like queasy stomach, jitters and shakes. I sit and wonder if just maybe we were not meant to be reunited to begin with, just when I was getting used to spending virtually no money in the course of the day, hello Starbucks...I'm back.
What did I learn? I think I like the culture of Starbucks more than I like the products, today! I enjoy the people that work those early hours, they are a lot like me. My first cup of liquid gold was free from money, but the price may have been to high.... Oh what to do????.....Just when I really was comfortable without you, life was good and my instant sleeping incidences had subsided I have to decide!