Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Addiction in an instance....

What I have noticed about myself through this time of the Daniel Fast, I have abstained from a number of my crutches. Caffeine, sugar, meat, preservatives along with cigars. I have been able to move beyond most of these nutritional crutches, for this period of time without much repercussion. However, cigars, this has been a tremendous battle internally, and 17 days later does not seem to be any easier. First, let me admit that I am addicted to cigars, I can not remember the last time I went this long without one. So this addiction may not cause me to loose my family or business for me it is not "cigars," it is the addictive behavior I watch.
What is most fascinating to me is the fact I have battled drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, porn - with His power I have been able to walk free from these addictive behaviors. They have presented their own struggles, but the freedom is a result of perseverance & His power in my life. What is most incredible about addictive compulsion and behavior is I can be in the Word, praying focused on Him, in a millisecond I am in the throws of desire. So quickly, it is almost as if I never had the resolve moments ago, it may take another addictive personality to understand this. More over an addict is compulsively drawn, all rational thought is out weighed by the addictive draw, this is why most would roll the dice that they can do this again without regard to what they have to loose. Any addiction I have struggled with is the exact same, I can have the greatest resolve not to live this way and whoof I am back in the presence of what I desire to give up. Proof positive that for transformation to take root it takes more than white knuckles and self will to break free from the bondage. His power and grace in my life is the only real answer.
Just tiring learning how addictive my personality really is, over and over one for another. The only answer is to stay close to Him, Victory is His and it is for me!