Friday, August 29, 2008


Last winter I had a client that wanted us to do more work. We had completed a home office for them, she had then decided she wanted a "wow" kitchen. Bottom line we met, measured and began the process, I could not produce the drawings quick enough for them as they were leaving for Florida for the winter. She decided to get another company involved, because I was too busy to help on her timeline before they left for the winter. In this day and age of email, video messaging, Internet capabilities I could not understand their haste. We had even discussed me visiting them in Florida as have their own plane to bring samples back and forth etc. Really what they wanted was the home to be complete in April when they returned, construction completed.
Well they were able to find that company who was ready to jump right in, design and build in such a short period of time. They did...and they returned from wintering in Florida.......
Upon their return she walked in to her new kitchen and gasped. This was not the "wow" she thought she would feel. It is a nice kitchen, simply did not make the impact nor the statement they hoped to experience. She called me back and asked me to come up to help walk through and offer some thoughts. She admitted her mistake, stated they were not involved enough in the process. Clearly unable to articulate their hopes and desire for their home to this other company. The more you look around the less it all fits together and leads to the "WOW" factor.
We are now completely redesigning a new kitchen for them, mostly because her first impression has stuck in her head.
My points here could be many, but more importantly communication with careful articulation. See she can not be satisfied, because the first impression will always make that statement to her. Changing things and adding bandages is just that, it still falls short of living with the "wow" impact. The first impression will be there underneath the patches, you only have one shot at that first impression. Another reason I am in such "awe and wonder" for the staff and volunteers of Elevation Church that never stop short of making that lasting impression. There is only one shot at a first impression, after that you have redouble and start over to make that impression....