Monday, August 18, 2008

So perhaps you've heard....

The Daniel Fast to this point is most certainly an adjustment to normal conditions. My body performs differently without 6 iced shots of espresso! Black Gold, liquid love, my friend we may reunite after 21 days! Honestly somehow it seems my days are longer, want to nap just a little more and seems I need to snack! It is finally here though, somehow I know God is going to use this time and obedience to powerfully move me, my family and business. This I am most excited about, what He will reveal to me. Really everything I hold close in my dietary relationship is being juggled and removed, willingly. I have at least a hundred others in the same place as me, so why complain, "just do it." I will admit 21 days seems a long way off, but I only have today, before you know it......I may return to my Starbucks! Just a pipe dream right now!
I am excited to serve Him. Pastor thanks for your vision. Lord thanks for your faithfulness!