Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How the Lord answers prayer...

The last 2 weeks, especially last 100 hours have been perhaps the most difficult in my life for pressure, commitment, sense of duty. When I wanted to give in, throw in the towel the Lord provided more than enough of everything I needed. I can not even explain what I have felt in this time in my life, an opportunity of a lifetime to stand in His strength.
Yesterday, when this crazy cycle in life was wrapping up, while on the set of EMHE, Sandra called and said Bob was not doing well. Bob our dear golden retriever, 15 years old, had lead a good life, the best dog I may ever know. I raced home from the set and was there for his last hours on earth with us. We have been through this when Chloe passed just a few months ago, never known the shear pain and anguish the loss of "man's best friend." Bob defied the odds throughout his life a number of times, this was Bob. He never gave in to be a normal dog, he was always a survivor, never know he was in pain. Yesterday was different, I left the house at 5:00 and knew in my heart something was different today, Sandra woke to the same feeling. Bob was ready to be with the Lord and Chloe.
All I can take away from this whirlwind of emotion is as the King Family receives new life through the heart and sweat involved in Extreme Makeover Home Edition, our home too is going through it's own Extreme Makeover, life without Bob. He has always been a regal and noble dog, bringing so much to our lives through his life, heart and devoted love! "We love you big boy," Lord thank you for all the joy we've found through his life and death.