Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cardboard testimonies...

What an incredible experience to participate in this worship celebration. Sunday morning in all services at Elevation we celebrated the back of these cardboard testitmonies. It is not where you were, what you've done or who you were...it is all about what, who and where we are in Christ today. The healing, delivering and merciful Grace for all to find in Him. As I wrestled all week knowing I was going to participate to share my/our testimony with others, I reviewed, revised and edited my story. All week Sandra and I would have a discussion, as we have prayed that we could make a difference, serve and honor Him. Well, fortunately(I guess) I have one of those testimonies that where ever a story was missing I could probably fill that blank! Yes, I have lead a life filled with many selfish, self will run rampent and poor choices! Rarely a lack of excitement when I am in charge, stupidity rules!
Anyway our week was discussing, calling LB and telling him what we were thinking. Talking some more, editing and revising, calling LB and telling him what we were thinking. Another conversation, calling LB and saying "just use us in anyway that we may serve Him."
What's the lesson to be learned.....why limit the power of God? You see I continued to edit and revise my testimony, when we came complete circle here. I am what I am, it is not what others think, God is in me, transformed me and delivered me! Why edit that, because "what will they think of me?" starts taking over questioning where I am in Him. That is the perfect example for me to understanding limiting the power of God. What did I learn? He impressed on me I must realize "He is the author!" No editing needed, yes He is the author!!!!!!!!