Monday, June 30, 2008


Yesterday, I had the pleasure of traveling with Pastor to another church as he shared a message for them. The chuckle of the day was as the posse was assembling to support Pastor Furtick, I kept getting phone calls and text messages asking how will we find you guys! You would know if you were there! What was so incredible about this experience was to participate in their worship, the Holy Spirit was present, the message was clear and received.... The clarity in my mind was things can be so different from place to place, but as I have heard, "those are preferences..", it is about Him, the message, one unified body of Christ, cast all of those other things aside and seek Him. We all have work to do for His Glory, it is easy to pick things apart and separate ourselves in some way, does this make us effective for His Glory?
I was deeply affected by the facts, "...for those far from God to be filled with life in Christ." That is our mission, I am not who I am because of one church, one Pastor or one way of Worship. What would I do if I did not have this Pastor, this church or this worship? It is true that many churches or Pastor's have not spoken to me, these are really conveniences, I need to spend more time seeking Him.

I am who I am because of "the One who died for me."

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shame, guilt....

I have found in my life shame and guilt kept me from the grasp of Grace. It holds me back from what I can be in Him, living in the shackles of sin. As I have sat and listened to 2 hearts bleed in the last 2 days, burdened by the past I again have realized how paralyzing these blinders can be. They stand in the way, burden our day bound by the past. Shame and guilt tell us we are not worthy, that He may have died for you...but not me.
The Casting Crowns song "Set me free..."
Do you want to be free?
Lift your chains I hold the key
All power on Heav'n and Earth belong to me
Do you want to be free?
Lift your chains I hold the key
All power on Heav'n and Earth belong to me
You are free You are free You are free
My speed skating coach used to tell us, "you will never win the race if you see someone's a** in front of you." I have to believe, live and breath victory... The victory has been won, He is Risen there is nothing His love, power and grace can not overcome. I just have to let go, let Him have all of me, His light will shine. He has ransomed me...I live in His victory.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ok, I have realized sometimes I am so distracted, which means really not living in reality, an example, I often see a police officer at the bridge of 51 & 74. Not always there, but all too often I find myself no matter what my resolve to coming upon it to see the unexpected-expected. See my resolve is before I approach to check my speed, typically not traveling over the speed limit, never the less I want to check myself. Instead of my preparedness, I am suddenly awakened to the reality, I then have to take defensive actions.

The tangible application for me is to know it is out there, my best defense is to prepare for battle, not to be taken by surprise. Typically if I am suddenly thrust in the battle, if you will, it requires a defensive response, limiting my resources. When living in the now it allows me to take offensive actions giving me greater tools to take action. I make adjustments prior to the lurker appearing. It is not about avoiding, it is more about my preparedness, an offensive response to my faith, my battles are lessened simply by being on the offensive, living in the moment....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Prayer for friends...

Perspective is a revolutionary response, I usually have to be shown in order to receive real perspective to where I am. I often am so wrapped up in my world I overlook the true goodness of God. A step back to see how God works around me.....
Two things happened recently, the first our worship pastor Wade Joye and his wife Ferris delivered in emergency c-section twin babies. Life has been stressful for them through all of this, they are not fading from their faith, but being drawn closer to Him. The journey continues for their family as they are facing a difficult beginning. My perspective is not only drawn to how good I have it, more what can I do in response to their need. Prayer, support, friendship and service to them. God is opening an opportunity to be here for them, to witness His power. Their lives will be transformed through His grace and our prayers.
Second, Sunday I had the honor to witness Christ's blessings on young men and women heading to Brazil on a mission trip. The Charlotte Eagles high school and college teams were heading out to witness for Him, they stopped at Elevation before heading to the airport. These are young people leaving the comforts of home to serve the kingdom. It was all I could do to serve them while holding back the joy I felt in my heart for their willingness to be a part of God's movement. I was most blessed by their response to our serving them in this capacity, to actually witness how God moves in the little things and makes them BIG. Pastor's messages from the series "Small is the new Big" really disclosed how brick by brick God can make the small beginnings Big.
One of Pastor's phrases used was "Give God something to work with....." I can see it all around me, I am yours to work with...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cherokee Warrior...

I was sitting at my desk the other day and occassionally hearing this strange sound. I looked around to see if I could see anything and nothing. I guess it is part of the song I am listening to, or outside. I hear it again, look around, nothing...Eiry, I know I heard something, there it goes again. Nothing, "where is that coming from?" It is like I am being watched, hunted perhaps. The sound is familiar, I identify it in my head...unpredictable in it's behavior. I am going to find it, hunt this thing down and battle this wild animal, as I know it is near me or I am going crazy! It has no place here, there it goes again.... The hunted becoming the hunter, with pin point accuracy I trace it's location calling on my native American instinct like GPS tracking.

Warm, warmer, hot, there stands the beast tangled in a web of plastic. Chills runs down my spine as I confront this baron of the air. The victor stands over its prey, as I look down to see it with it's cold dark eyes, slightly inflating itself in self defense. A rush of adrenaline shoots through my veins, I am going to wrangle this creature, weary of it's unpredictable nature, again the "Cherokee" in me comes out. I start this native dance encircling and disorienting the beast, it has worked as it seems confused by watching this idiot above it!

One fell swoosh I hone in to make my move. Wings flapping, feathers flying with venomous attack on it's mind, I have captured the intruder, "Ha, I've got you, I replied! Now who's in control little birdy?" My thoughts suddenly change, "hey, little birdy how'd you get in here? Don't worry I am just bringing you back outside, I'll let you go. Where's your mommy?" I am suddenly Dr. Doolittle, the good one, not the Eddie Murphy one! As I release the 6 inch beast back into the wild, my thoughts are drawn to one thing, besides the sense of winning this battle, "I hope no one saw that!"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

caught on...

It's funny when I get an email and you notice misspellings, especially when you revere the writer! It makes them human, subject to improvement and in some way humors me. What have I discovered in this process, it happens to me....I have been spelling tomorrow with 2 m's for years now! Self discovery also humors me, spell check always seems to catch it but I guess I have blocked it out mentally, never noticing the prompt to change. Not no more!

You try to spend time to clearly articulate and what happens, you miss the little things. Spiritual implication, don't read too deeply into the writing or I may miss the very things I need to correct. Allow others room to change and they will perhaps extend the same grace.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Lord, I have come to understand that my heart is deceitful above all things (Jer 17:9) Please let me recognize ways my heart and my feelings are deceiving me. Standing on the heels of His victory in my life I can see how unreliable I can be to Him left to my own devices, my thoughts and my heart. Soul searching is exactly that, willing to recognize that which I must change to walk in Him.

Take it in stages, total submission to Him is to seek His righteousness, action must take place or I have only found epiphany (A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization). The change that transpires due to an epiphany is the measure of freedom, release from the bondage of self. Enlightenment is but a beginning, transformation is the reality of His power in my life. What He can do through me when I respond to His truth.

Friday, June 13, 2008

death to wants...

This stinks, I have been in this funk, just beaten down, worn out and struggling emotionally. What's the cause? Wants, wants, wants.....You see I had an idea, I initiated energy, I invested emotionally and I wished to will my way! That is not to say the 100 degree temperature in the shop does not take a toll, but the emotional funk is due to no less than my will. This is just following through from the post "sabotage" from a couple days ago.

Self discovery is a blessing, but why am I usually the last to see it? I used to dislike it, that was because I still wanted something to hold on to, to have my way or simply control. Prayerful consideration of who's the "pilot" here, humbles me to seek Him, the only true answer. If I believe in His devine requires me to seek, release, trust and rest in Him. You go, God!

I chalk this victory in your court and thank you for it. You may just need to remind me! You have to admit I am getting better! God knows where I have been, He knows where I am going and best of all He knows what I'm looking for........

Whitesnake's "Here I go again" lyrics are running through my head! Gotta love that hair.... "oh, Lord I pray you give me the strength to carry on...I'm just another heart in the need of rescue.."

Thursday, June 12, 2008


What do you get when you are required to think for others? Typically for me a wall, so I have to continue to revise my understanding and not stop my thought process...challenge coming! I often shake my head asking, "why am I having to explain or answer this again?"

Often the communication is lost somewhere along the line, something left out, over looked or misinterpreted. This is about empowering others, it requires their attention to the task, willingness to receive what they are able to perceive........

The perception is what I must translate, am I able to articulate this vision?

The receiver must be willing to receive the vision to be empowered.

It is rewarding and frustrating at the same time. The reward is when they ask, possess ability to "problem solve." To be able to think in front of them, the fruition of a vision. The frustration is why can I not cast the vision and they perceive what they receive?

I think the answer is not thinking for others, but preparing others through better understanding of the ability to perceive... What this means to me spiritually, a better understanding of fundamentals...I must perceive their potentials and build accordingly, in Him.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


As I was driving along the other day, I looked back in my mirror and realized my vision was obscured. As we are very busy here and potentially overloaded if I am not careful, suddenly realized how much there is to do. I have been focused on my spiritual growth, feeling as though I am doing what needs to be done, priorities properly submitted to Him, I have found myself in the midst of obsession. I have grabbed hold of a thought and not been able to let go of it, I have taken ownership regardless of the timing, discipline or God's plan. 2 Corinthians "...we take captive every thought to make it obedience to Christ."

While I have been doing what needs to be done, I have been blindsided, recklessly endangering my walk. Total sabotaged of submission, self will run rampant...."let me keep this one, it's not doing any harm." You get some measure of freedom in your life, I realize there are no ripples in the water, next thing you know I have gotten in the way. See it just started with one thought and not submitting to Him, keeping it captive and next thing you know I am hauling a load, pulling a trailer loaded with distraction!

Lesson learned, He heard me the first time, now I have to allow Him to have all things complete not holding back. Left to my own devices I think I can make the right choices and select what I give to Him, suddenly burdened in excess. Waiting on Him is not easy, I am in trouble if God is my co-pilot, perhaps it is time to let Him take the wheel...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dinner with the President....

Yes, we have been nominated for "something" by some committee for some reason. We have been invited to the Presidential Dinner on June something! We have a pre-recorded message for you to listen to, regarding this something.

"How much will this cost my business?"

Sir, you will recieve 2 free invitations to the dinner, 2 free tickets for some sunset cruise celebration, 2 free tickets for some after party, room for 2 at some hotel, 2 free gift baskets filled with some things, a photo opportunity with some political "movers and shakers!"

"Yes, but how much will all these "free" delightful opportunities cost my business?"

Sir, if you would listen to this exciting pre-recorded message, I will come back on the line and discuss the "contributions."

"How much of a contribution will be required for this event?"

A $5,000.00 contribution will be required.

"Could we bring a casserole or something to offset this contribution? Do you need some help in the kitchen? Perhaps you have a table for 2 somewhere in the balcony, say about $50.00 contribution? I am not even sure $5,000.00 will cover the gas to get there...."

"Ah, democracy......Thanks for the nomination, your vested interest in what we do here, at this time I will have to decline your gracious offer. If the Senator or President would like some advice on retirement planning please have them call!......I am currently hiring............"

Monday, June 9, 2008

Give it the best....

I was cleaning a bible this morning, reviewing notes from some of Pastor's messages. It is amazing to me the ability he has to hear a message from Him. The abundance of wisdom in which he delivers these "truth's." What speaks to me most is "giving your best to God," not settling for anything less than excellence. Total devotion to His grace, I may fall short, but that reaching for the level of excellence is what He deserves.
It is this stretching, striving and reaching that allows me to be molded. If I seek my comfort, I leave too much to be protected by pride. When pushed to look beyond myself and leave nothing in the depths of my hollows, I find humility. In this humility I see more clearly what He wants from me.
A perfect example, Old Testament, always felt as though I could not understand, so let's just leave it for others. What I have discovered, "heroes, examples and depths of understanding." Disclosing what I had missed to this point, outlines of the process of life: seeking, correcting and adjusting my focus. After all it is there for a reason! I have an eternity to rest in comfort, now is when I can make the change to be shaped by Him.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Good people.....

What happens when you are faced with a hurdle, an uphill battle, an event with an impact? You seek out the people who help you to facilitate such a hurdle, do not complain, encourage and serve with heart. I am floored each time Elevation Church participates in an event of any proportion. The goals are lofty, expectations high and experience impacting. Some would seem intimidated with the tasks and where the bar is set. The difference, where your eyes are focused, in "Him all things are possible."
Last night, Safe Journey graduation ceremony, for girls who have struggled to find success through the trails of life and pregnancy at an early age. Celebration of His move through this ministry, to celebrate more than graduation under these circumstances, to celebrate Victory in Him.
The team from our church, Amy, Heather, Dawn, Sandra and others put together a first class celebration, while faced with odds of large proportion. All those hours of preparation come down to minutes of celebration. Pastor Furtick spoke on the "Healing Pool" from John 5:1-9 "when your desires become greater than your disability." John Bishop, aka "Bishop Bishop" in his humble fashion displayed the heart in which this church wants to impact the community around us...."may be filled with life in Christ."
Then there are the hundred volunteers and staff that descend upon the tasks, the preparation and serve with grateful hearts. Serving not only the Vision, serving the King. A truly incredible group of people He surrounds me with on a daily basis, allowing me to witness the transformation of life in Him.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

genuine mahogany....

I often have clients request a product fabricated in a specific material, say mahogany, traditional wood used in furniture for centuries. It has characteristics that identify and set it apart from other materials. Then the statement is asked "well we would prefer mahogany, but would rather pay for a substitute, can you make it look like mahogany?"

We can make it look like mahogany, but no matter what you do it is a substitute. If authenticity is required, accept no substitute. On the surface, the appearance is what you seek, but as life wears away and scratches that surface it will continue to expose what's below.

In my journey in Him, He has shown me, because I have tried every substitute, there is only one God. Characteristics identified in those I respect, honor and serve are the very one's that only come from authentic, genuine journey in Him. Submitting to, trusting in and fearing Him. I may be scratched, dented and worn, but at my core I seek His righteousness. His sacrifice delivers me to Grace, there is no substitute.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

sounds of summer...

I returned to the shop yesterday after having been gone most of the day at appointments. Doors open, the sweet sound of machines running in the background, roar of production happening around here. That's the way it ought to be, as I strolled through the shop quickly my sweet sounds turned to a loud distraction....there it was, the cause of most of the noise.

I have one employee that places his preferences above everyone else's comforts. He has 4 fans he has personally placed at his work bench area, 2 mounted on the wall, one on a work platform and one under his bench, this one really serves as a dust spreader more than anything. I might add we have 8 ceiling fans overhead to keep air circulating. Next to these 4 fans sat 2 36" industrial floor fans billowing at high speed. The velocity of air circulation could have launched the Wright Brother's plane. I thought for a moment I was on an aircraft carrier, as it was almost deafening. What next I thought, as I could hear his personal stereo cranked at a decibel to muffle the sounds of the fans. Ah yes, those sounds of summer return....

It was a chaotic sound of summer roaring loudly. The temperature was only in the 80's or so. Just sets up the fact, it will be a long summer as he gripes about the heat here in the south! Here we go's about time he will begin his incessant pleas for air conditioning in the shop.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cause or Conviction?

Preferences are a case of the wants, "I want something this way." "I want that, bla, bla, bla..." I think it sounds like this all too often in my heart, and I think right now I am hearing how deep. Ok, right now the under dog Penguins are facing Stanley Cup elimination. Game 5 was last night in the finals, facing the battle of the year the Penguins mostly played as if it was a cause. When their backs were to the wall, you began to see that this is not a cause but a conviction. They played like there was something to loose, everything they have played for this year, it was loose & go home or fight and win. Now this is just a game, I think it represents my heart all too often. Now they are in an uphill fight, bruised and beaten, but they are facing the goal with warrior like fight to hoist the "Cup."
Here's a parallel in my life, sometimes I face this journey in Him as a cause, "yes, I want it" but I do not leave everything at the Cross. I get it into my head that I want it my way, in my time and as I prefer. I hold onto my school of thought, my desire and pursue life in my way. Well that is a total hypocrisy, instead of "thy will be done." He knows my heart, my desires, it's like when our kids ask for something again and again. "We heard you the first time is our response." So why do I question God's hearing or God's timing? I truly think it is because I treat my walk all too often as a cause not a conviction.
Thanks to Him for this journey, my wife for her devoted love to me in spite of my will. Often the voice of reason in my life, she allows me to find the answers as I submit myself to Him, and if I don't she'll nudge me in the right direction! Pastor Furtick for continuing to deliver the punch week after week that transforms my heart to seek the proper focus. His Grace that helps me to fight for my convictions in Him, Christ beared the Cross not for cause but for righteousness. When the going starts going against the way I want it to go, it is time for me to stand steadfast in my convictions, fight like there is no tomorrow, He will complete me and only Him..... James 1:12 "For when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown in which God has promised to those that love Him."