Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shame, guilt....

I have found in my life shame and guilt kept me from the grasp of Grace. It holds me back from what I can be in Him, living in the shackles of sin. As I have sat and listened to 2 hearts bleed in the last 2 days, burdened by the past I again have realized how paralyzing these blinders can be. They stand in the way, burden our day bound by the past. Shame and guilt tell us we are not worthy, that He may have died for you...but not me.
The Casting Crowns song "Set me free..."
Do you want to be free?
Lift your chains I hold the key
All power on Heav'n and Earth belong to me
Do you want to be free?
Lift your chains I hold the key
All power on Heav'n and Earth belong to me
You are free You are free You are free
My speed skating coach used to tell us, "you will never win the race if you see someone's a** in front of you." I have to believe, live and breath victory... The victory has been won, He is Risen there is nothing His love, power and grace can not overcome. I just have to let go, let Him have all of me, His light will shine. He has ransomed me...I live in His victory.