Wednesday, June 4, 2008

sounds of summer...

I returned to the shop yesterday after having been gone most of the day at appointments. Doors open, the sweet sound of machines running in the background, roar of production happening around here. That's the way it ought to be, as I strolled through the shop quickly my sweet sounds turned to a loud distraction....there it was, the cause of most of the noise.

I have one employee that places his preferences above everyone else's comforts. He has 4 fans he has personally placed at his work bench area, 2 mounted on the wall, one on a work platform and one under his bench, this one really serves as a dust spreader more than anything. I might add we have 8 ceiling fans overhead to keep air circulating. Next to these 4 fans sat 2 36" industrial floor fans billowing at high speed. The velocity of air circulation could have launched the Wright Brother's plane. I thought for a moment I was on an aircraft carrier, as it was almost deafening. What next I thought, as I could hear his personal stereo cranked at a decibel to muffle the sounds of the fans. Ah yes, those sounds of summer return....

It was a chaotic sound of summer roaring loudly. The temperature was only in the 80's or so. Just sets up the fact, it will be a long summer as he gripes about the heat here in the south! Here we go's about time he will begin his incessant pleas for air conditioning in the shop.