Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Prayer for friends...

Perspective is a revolutionary response, I usually have to be shown in order to receive real perspective to where I am. I often am so wrapped up in my world I overlook the true goodness of God. A step back to see how God works around me.....
Two things happened recently, the first our worship pastor Wade Joye and his wife Ferris delivered in emergency c-section twin babies. Life has been stressful for them through all of this, they are not fading from their faith, but being drawn closer to Him. The journey continues for their family as they are facing a difficult beginning. My perspective is not only drawn to how good I have it, more what can I do in response to their need. Prayer, support, friendship and service to them. God is opening an opportunity to be here for them, to witness His power. Their lives will be transformed through His grace and our prayers.
Second, Sunday I had the honor to witness Christ's blessings on young men and women heading to Brazil on a mission trip. The Charlotte Eagles high school and college teams were heading out to witness for Him, they stopped at Elevation before heading to the airport. These are young people leaving the comforts of home to serve the kingdom. It was all I could do to serve them while holding back the joy I felt in my heart for their willingness to be a part of God's movement. I was most blessed by their response to our serving them in this capacity, to actually witness how God moves in the little things and makes them BIG. Pastor's messages from the series "Small is the new Big" really disclosed how brick by brick God can make the small beginnings Big.
One of Pastor's phrases used was "Give God something to work with....." I can see it all around me, I am yours to work with...