Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Lord, I have come to understand that my heart is deceitful above all things (Jer 17:9) Please let me recognize ways my heart and my feelings are deceiving me. Standing on the heels of His victory in my life I can see how unreliable I can be to Him left to my own devices, my thoughts and my heart. Soul searching is exactly that, willing to recognize that which I must change to walk in Him.

Take it in stages, total submission to Him is to seek His righteousness, action must take place or I have only found epiphany (A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization). The change that transpires due to an epiphany is the measure of freedom, release from the bondage of self. Enlightenment is but a beginning, transformation is the reality of His power in my life. What He can do through me when I respond to His truth.