Friday, June 6, 2008

Good people.....

What happens when you are faced with a hurdle, an uphill battle, an event with an impact? You seek out the people who help you to facilitate such a hurdle, do not complain, encourage and serve with heart. I am floored each time Elevation Church participates in an event of any proportion. The goals are lofty, expectations high and experience impacting. Some would seem intimidated with the tasks and where the bar is set. The difference, where your eyes are focused, in "Him all things are possible."
Last night, Safe Journey graduation ceremony, for girls who have struggled to find success through the trails of life and pregnancy at an early age. Celebration of His move through this ministry, to celebrate more than graduation under these circumstances, to celebrate Victory in Him.
The team from our church, Amy, Heather, Dawn, Sandra and others put together a first class celebration, while faced with odds of large proportion. All those hours of preparation come down to minutes of celebration. Pastor Furtick spoke on the "Healing Pool" from John 5:1-9 "when your desires become greater than your disability." John Bishop, aka "Bishop Bishop" in his humble fashion displayed the heart in which this church wants to impact the community around us...."may be filled with life in Christ."
Then there are the hundred volunteers and staff that descend upon the tasks, the preparation and serve with grateful hearts. Serving not only the Vision, serving the King. A truly incredible group of people He surrounds me with on a daily basis, allowing me to witness the transformation of life in Him.