Thursday, June 5, 2008

genuine mahogany....

I often have clients request a product fabricated in a specific material, say mahogany, traditional wood used in furniture for centuries. It has characteristics that identify and set it apart from other materials. Then the statement is asked "well we would prefer mahogany, but would rather pay for a substitute, can you make it look like mahogany?"

We can make it look like mahogany, but no matter what you do it is a substitute. If authenticity is required, accept no substitute. On the surface, the appearance is what you seek, but as life wears away and scratches that surface it will continue to expose what's below.

In my journey in Him, He has shown me, because I have tried every substitute, there is only one God. Characteristics identified in those I respect, honor and serve are the very one's that only come from authentic, genuine journey in Him. Submitting to, trusting in and fearing Him. I may be scratched, dented and worn, but at my core I seek His righteousness. His sacrifice delivers me to Grace, there is no substitute.