Friday, May 23, 2008

pickup envy....

You know I think you can tell much about someone by their car. Often it really is an extension of ourselves.(?) In some ways, whether it's clean, new, flashy, beaten up, dusty etc... I pass many a car and look to the driver, quite often surprised by the match, just shows I really know very little of the basis of my thesis! I have gotten over the wants in a vehicle, have had some nice "rides" but I am more a pickup kind of guy. I still think the Hummer is the most pretentious vehicle on the road, forget about those who drive the $100k+ vehicles they need that attention! I still see them waiting next to me at stop lights, so what if you can go 200mph, where?

I digress, I take notice more of nice pickups on the road, they can attract my attention like no other vehicle. I suffer with "pickup envy," make it a crew cab long bed and whoa, I get excited! But ultimately, one that is loaded down with stuff, hauling a trailer or somehow working, WOW that's me all over it! These guys that spit shine them, trucks never having seen a day of work is only a waste of precious metal. They are meant to be burdened by work, packed to the gills. Often I find when giving someone a ride in my truck pre-qualifying the dirt, dust and idiosyncrasies of a 14 year old work truck. Why because they do not understand. To me it is home on wheels, I feel more comfortable, it's who I am! So if you see me loaded up, kinda dented, sorta beaten and dirty know I am in my zone....."Some horses were meant to be riden!" A pickup is the "Clydesdale" of vehicles, if you got it USE IT!