Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Button fly....

I used to really like button fly shorts, pants. I have become relatively tired of these as they require more time and attention when time is of the essence! They also come with an inherent hazard of missing a button or mis-buttoning giving that Salvador Dali look! I may just be getting older and saving steps is more important than fashion! Zippers, they are so easy, uncomplicated, yet they offer their own risks, in which I would rather not go in to! You'd think after 40 of my some odd 44 years of practice I could get it right, every time! Notice I did give myself some 4 years of grace to learn! I guess looking at an attorney or doctor they too are still practicing!

My spiritual growth is too easy to ask for the zipper approach as well. I have found the ease of a "zipper-like" spirituality makes it all too easy to take for granted the efforts I must make in Him to really grow. One of the most profound things I have heard recently came from my bride while we were discussing quality time with God. She stated boldly "it is not the length of time I am devoting to Him, it is the quality of the time I am investing." Life comes in seasons, it is easy to be too busy for Him, not a wise choice I have found for me. It is making that investment in growing spiritually in Him. When I am in quiet time with Him do I really focus my attention on Him, His word and prayerful consideration? The more I invest the more He discloses, the more attention I pay to Him the better balance I find in all areas of my life. Making time to seek Him, I find I become equipped with the resource to draw on. Answers to prayer, require earnest and active surrender. Request for His direction requires me to look beyond myself, for His grace which is hard to find for me if I am too wrapped in my world.

Back to the button fly, you have to start with the button on the bottom and build up from there. If you miss a button you either reveal yourself in the wrong light or appear as some sort of morphed art! At least you know all the buttons are there. That's not half as bad as the hazards a "zipper" approach can cause......ouch!