Wednesday, May 28, 2008

something to work with...

When I was a child and we were heading on a trip as a family, ready for 12+ hour car ride, I could easily keep asking "are we there yet?" Sitting in the very back of our "Country Squire Wagon" facing the rear of the car missing everything as the world passed by, it never made the trip any quicker. If I was facing forward, the journey is what it is, but I was able to watch the scenery and enjoy trip.

He has big plans, "every oak tree starts as an acorn." I am showing up to life each day and finding His hand to be moving me in a direction to serve Him. I see answer to prayer, but placing conditions(preferences) on His response must be overcome. Say a parent's prayer, that their children would find Him, when one begins to move closer, for example starts going to church. The response is "I do not think that church is the right place." It's easy overlook the small beginnings and place conditions on the move of God. I often think God must laugh at the conditions I place in His move, in my limited understanding of His power.

I see God growing a part of my life, a calling He placed in me. I am excited to see this move of God. I have been surrounded by 5 other men in this area of my life, whom have been an incredible "voice" in my life. As our numbers increase, I see the attitude "pining" for what it once was, small and more intimate. We are growing, not one at a time, doubling in numbers. This is awesome, as God is using us to serve His body. Here I see 2 ways to face God, digging my heels and hands into the sand, and wishing it was what it once was. Allowing my preferences to be more important than the move of God. Or face the world exploring the opportunity to be a part of God's movement. He is going to move, with or without me, the difference, do I have sand under my finger nails?