Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lesson in laughter

Sometimes I think for me at least, lessons can be learned with humor. I know often I find little things more interesting with a slight spin of sarcasism or light heartedness. To take the little things inject bits of humor into observation. It's the irony in the everyday situations that I seem to miss until I look at them with different perspective. Humor can cushion the blow of reality to be more paletable for the lessons to be learned.

Or to take notice of bumper stickers, two that I have seen recently.....
"Don't like my driving? Then quit watching me."
"Make God laugh, tell Him your plans...."

Here's a kicker, on a Marquee sign I saw outside a local church recently....

"Don’t let worries kill you. Let the Church help."
An obvious message here, but which one?