Friday, April 11, 2008


What's it about men that force everything into one bag, as if to make a point? I used to have an average size suitcase, it is smaller now. I have noticed the last couple of times we've left for somewhere my suitcase has gone from tall trash bag to quart size freezer bag! Never the less, I am going to pack in one suitcase! Another thing I have notice with this sandwich bag I pack has compartments, for what? If I was to put a pair of socks in the compartment on the side, a shirt would never fit in the middle!

It has triggered a thought of compartmentalizing in life. If I was to continue to shove parts of my life separating from the others I would not have room for Christ in the center. I would have to squeeze Him in, so little room with everything else straining the seams. Publicly, I can declare "Christ comes first in my life," and privately deny Him by my lifestyle. "I keep things to myself" is deadly for me, denying the very power in which I profess to love and follow. I seek a walk with Him, in every aspect of my life, that I am authentically seeking His Righteousness. Christ first, not just with the words of my lips, the actions of my heart. Integrity builds relationship, relationships build intimacy, intimacy builds understanding. Limiting the intimacy with Him by holding on to certain things acknowledges the fact I have not surrendered to His Will, still living mine. Simply, if I squeeze Him into my bag, "I think," He can not see all of me. If I fit everything else around Him the answer to the question "who will know if I do this?" the answer is obvious: God will. True Intimacy is impossible without Integrity.
Proverbs 20:7