Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Measured Success

I had the blessing to listen to a dynamic speaker last week at a lunch with a number of other men, the message was about leadership. I am spending time on this subject personally and professionally. I am driven to improve my leadership in all arenas of my life, refine my understanding of character development and establish a better balance in all areas of submission to Him. The speaker at this gathering is an excellent communicator, a voice of reason and incredible motivator through his vision, passion and humility, Pastor Furtick. None of this message was unique to him, as he sighted many resources of his understanding, his implementation of Biblical principles and foundation gave great insight to me. Sharing examples of dynamic leaders throughout time. There were a number of bullet points that impacted my horizon.

I have had some incredible leaders to learn and grow from in my life and one of the most interesting traits they all seem to possess is the ability to lead more by leading less. Empowering, stepping aside to allow others to lead, trusting in their abilities and gifts. As Pastor stated, "once the vision is established set people out in dispatch mode." Leadership is not a title or position because of hierarchy, it is an acceleration on an ability.

Another point I took away is that it is all too easy to say this is not my spiritual gifting, so I turn my back on certain things I am not "good at." I may not have the abilities of others, netting a disproportionate amount of return, that should not stop me in preparation. I must continue to build my preparedness of these "weaknesses." The focus for me is to build and be prepared in all spiritual gifts, when called I must be prepared to in all areas. God calls different leaders to different arenas. Success is not measured by mimicking others, doing what they do, it is about what I do with what I admire in others. Taking action in my creation, leading with humility, being uncomfortable in complacency, allowing Him to empower and equip me.