Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Each of our callings

A teacher gave an assignment to her class, draw something from nature. As the teacher moved down the aisles, checking on the students' progress, she paused at one's desk and commented. "Those flowers are nice, but flowers don't have faces on them." The boy replied, "mine do." Flowers with faces, trees that could run and dance, an elephant with ears so big he could fly, a cricket that was a little boys conscience and even a mouse that could talk - these were Walt Disney's visions.

Jer.1:4-5 Scripture points out repeatedly, God has placed a message, a dream, a gift in every human heart. "the Holy Spirit did not come to the early church just so signs, wonders and miracles could take place. The Spirit also came to enable each of us to express the devine gifts placed within us from conception."

I find myself on vacation fervantly praying that I may understand mine and use it for God's glory. I feel like the flood gates have been opened........