Friday, March 28, 2008


Last night, youngest had soccer practice, so I dropped by the field to get kisses from my bride and picked up the oldest. I asked if she wanted to go to Starbucks to hang out, get a drink and enjoy some time. She was very excited and chatty, this raised excitement in me. We were greeted like Norm in "Cheers," friendly hello's. We ordered, bellied up to the bar, sat and talked. We enjoyed time, talked, viewed photos from someones trip to Greece (history lesson) all I could think of was the "priceless tag line from MasterCard ad!"
Here's some takeaways for me...

Father time is awesome, necessary and required for relationship. Not having this time I would not have known some vital information about her life. I spawned with little bits, she took off with the conversation, disclosing thoughts she has, what life is like for her, likes and dislikes. I shared some of my past, what life was like for me growing up and the very same fears, insecurities and how I have faced life growing closer to Him.
1. Time is a simple investment in growth and development.
2. Without this time, I would not know what I was missing.
3. Listening is often more important than talking.
4. Allowed time for her to pour into me, honest disclosure.
5. Priorities - what really counts in life.....relationship.
6. Disclosing fears reverses isolation, encouraging inspiration.
7. Even though we have time together most everyday...extra efforts pay dividends, my complete attention to her spoke volume's to my heart seeing the smile on her face.

Now, which relationship in my life can not benefit from this? Rather convicting to me, I praise Him in the understanding He discloses, often finding myself learning more from my children as we grow together......