Monday, March 17, 2008

Finishing Strong

A few years ago I read a book called Finishing Strong by Stephen Farrar. In the first chapter the author raises a question, "who in your life is finishing strong?" Yesterday was an opportunity for me to stand in the presence of a man who is truly finishing strong. I had the pleasure of spending my morning assisting a true man dedicated to the move of God. Someone who has met many Presidents, Heads of State and powerful people. When I asked what the was the most memorable moments I thought of the people he has encountered in his life, his reply "to watch lives changed, tranformed by the has always been something to watch the Lord grab hold of the man who wears His heart." It was not the powerful people he met, it was the Power in people that had the opportunity to speak to him in a mighty way. He has served the Lord since a teenager, 60+ years serving as the music director for Billy Graham, countless lives changed, a true minister to the Spirit. These 3 men Billy Graham, Cliff Barrows and Bev Shea changed lives by simply following the call of God on their lives, complete surrender to the will of God. An example to me and the purpose in which I seek. I felt as though the 4-5 hours I spent with him was in the witness to an incredible man of God, the blessing was mine to serve him. I walked away from this time as if we had known each other for years, he knowing my life, the prayers and scripture that he shared, will impact and encourage my steps.
I share this moment because when I read the book "Finishing Strong" and was confronted with the question "who in your life...." I struggled to find one handful of men finishing strong, only to stand today surrounded by men finishing strong, following the move of God, harvesting hearts and tranforming lives through Christ. I thank you, Cliff for the time you have shared with me, the investment you have made in Him, the lives in which you have impacted through your service to the Kingdom. The faith in which you serve, heart in which you seek is a true testimony to the Joy of the journey, thank you for touching my life.