Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Are you a looker?

Are you a looker? I enjoy driving and I always pay attention to all around me. Just yesterday driving I saw an odd couple, a giant SUV, about as large as a passenger vehicle gets, as I eased forward to see knuckles on the wheel. Intrigued, I still moved forward to look to the left. As more of the person appeared in my line of sight, a hand was holding a drink. Fitting to the size of this vehicle, it looked to be 96 oz. cup, then to my surprise the woman driving it appeared. This was a massive Ford, power stroke diesel clacking away driven by ....a woman bearly tall enough to clear the dashboard, gray haired grandma. Just an odd couple! Just what I perceived, judging by the size of the vehicle, the drink being consumed only to find what I had received in my line of sight was not what I expected.

At another light days before someone off to my side I caught a glimpse of a driver wearing a old style chefs hat. You know the one from the Chef-Boy-R-Dee can, the puffy one. Immediately, I was thinking of who I expected to see behind the wheel. Only to see the driver, an Asian man appear under the hat. Just another odd couple.

Pulling up behind a vehicle all you can see is the head of the driver, no headrest visible. It was as if they were driving from the back seat. No the seat is dropped back to the sleeping position - full recline mode! Only to pull aside them to find someone clutching the wheel with all their might to keep themselves propped up. Is this not why the seat has a back? Some things I just will never understand!

There is an old saying the larger the truck the smaller the man.....The massive SUV on steroids. You know the one, tires as big as heavy equipment at a construction site. Looking as though it is 4 feet off the ground, poised for the next monster truck event. Jumping from the driver's side door, small parachute appearing for landing, hops a guy standing 4'10"!

So, is the reverse true? Perhaps. Fueling up one day I watch as a small convertible pulls up to the pump behind to me. Nothing visible but the body of a man in the windshield. Head above the visor level, width appearing as if he is a lineman on the football team. I expect that the man will have a balding ring on his head from chaffing on the roof of the convertible. Door opens.....what seems 30 seconds later all of the man steps out of the vehicle. It does not even seem the car large enough for his stature, a man standing an imposing 6'10"! Does it take a shoe horn to fit in back in?

Have you ever seem the person next to you missing one thing from their vehicle? They seem very distracted by something. The arms are moving, head adjusting, yet no hands appearing. Only to find as you get closer, they are cleaning the nose, knuckles deep! What they appear to be missing? Window tinting!

I enjoy the commercial of the person bending over in a store in the refrigerator section, all you see is the long hair, through the glass door. A guy comes around the corner and asks, "can I help you Miss?" Out comes the person, long flowing hair standing straight up to find it is a guy....why do I like this? Life is not as it always appears, it remains unpredictable. What I perceive is not always what I receive. What should I take away? Place no judgements on what is around me, be open minded because my limited line of sight creates an expectation, a prejudice. Life has nothing to do with my surroundings, it has to do with how I treat those around me.