Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer vacation....

What did I do on summer vacation? Well my family is up in New Hampshire enjoying time with family, so I look forward to my time here, big plans..... Well idle time is not really me so I think I will add some in my life. Dig out that video game console, enjoy Tour de France, rest, swim, sun & really be free to be on my own schedule.
Well the video games came out 10 minutes later put back where they were, I realized I am not of this generation, I do not possess the skills to handle such pressure...saving the world! Where I fall short fortunately Jesus has already done this! On to the next, well after a nap! Somehow the lawn still needs cutting, edging and weeding. Well I guess I will go for a swim later, now for the lawn. Walk the dogs, pull some weeds, make dinner, take out the trash. I went to more meetings this last 2 weeks than I have been to in years for one project, Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I somehow over the last week have packed more than my usual into each day, worked longer and harder, but managed to get most everything done. I have yet to swim, sun or exercise beyond my normal routine!
What have I again learned as my family is out of town....I miss them and the activity they bring into my life. It seems life is simply dull without them! I can still work 16 hour days, but the other 8 hours are not the same! Thank goodness for vacations!