Monday, July 28, 2008

Extreme Work load....

If life was not crazy enough, Extreme Makeover Home Edition is now underway here in Charlotte. Our part is overwhelming in logistics, not really just a complete and total disruption to normal daily life! To add to our work load we will need to find time to process daily expectations and filter this project through the I bite off more than you can chew!??? My loving and devoted wife could best answer this question, it is all about vision. I want to make an impact in our community through what we've been blessed with and this is what it takes to do so...then Lord grant us the strength! With people in my life that love, bless, encourage and cast this vision it will be possible, beyond shadow of a doubt. Follow the link to get a little more about the family.
What is most incredible is the service arms of this project coming together, companies raising money for this family, dedicating hours on end to this organizational process and selflessly giving. That is making a difference in Charlotte as a whole, now the endless hours of meetings and discussions are over.....we're underway! What an honor to be a part of such a great team of generous committed businesses, and none of it could take place without people -the heart, soul and vision.

Pastor Steven Furtick lit a fire in my soul over 2 years ago, the fire I already possessed, just needed a catalyst. Thanks, I will never be the same....."Vision is nothing without the effort to obtain at the goal." I pray the "Sun Stand Still" in the lives of everyone involved especially the family that has made this all possible.