Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Extreme disaster avoided...

What have I learned about communication, you ask? The overall requirement for over communicating when time is of the essence! Met Price Brothers Plumbing, handling the plumbing for the EMHE, to make sure we understand what their needs are, what needs to be done and how. Fortunately before work began we have avoided hours of rework for them, they only had partial drawings without revisions. Saved by the old "communication", nothing like a face to face to discuss work to be done. What it means to me, if I am listening. Life gets so crazy sometimes, there is no substitute for just talking, taking just a little time, communicating the old fashion way, making sure the t's are crossed. What seems to be the speed of light can be still in an instance, refocus on what's worked, thank you Lord for speaking loudly when chaos is all around!

Seems to me in hind sight, if better communication took more of a priority in all aspects of me life, I would have a whole lot less misunderstanding with fewer mistakes. In the end, I would have more time....funny how it works!