Wednesday, October 8, 2008

When traveling....

Here are a couple of things I like to know when traveling, before leaving!
1. If this is going to be gone over a Sunday, where can we go to church, hear a dynamic message from and incredible visionary and communicator like Pastor? Finding the church is rarely an issue, everything after that is difficult. The last couple of vacations we've taken our return is Saturday so we do not even have to cross that bridge! It has come to the point where the girls ask to be back for church on Sunday, 'nuff said!
2. If traveling with my wife, how many pairs of shoes will this trip require? You have to understand that children are a product of their environment, so if it is a 5 pair trip automatically it will now be 15 pair to bring. That is a whole 'notha suitcase!
3. Is there a Starbucks?
4. Directions to 'git there, no need I am a guy!

Depending on the trip not always in that order!
Now what's the best way to travel taking all this into consideration?
Travel with the Church, today's the day we are heading to Atlanta for Catalyst Conference. No doubt about 100 others from our church will know where the closest Starbucks is on our way to the conference to hear some incredible church leaders speak, one notable would be the aforementioned Pastor Furtick! Hold on tight, this is going to be what it is like to attend Elevation Church in the near future, he'll be preaching to about 12,000!