Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the ultimate slacker therapy...

Ok, I have just recieved a delivery for a client that may just beat every other excess this year. I was told this would come directly to us from a vendor so we could build appropriate storage. I mean we are in and out of 10,000+ square foot homes on a regular basis, they are often filled with excess, not to mention the size alone. Not for me to judge, honestly the larger the more cabinetry and furniture we can build for them.
This was a pool ball set most would assume 16 balls total....no what's 32 x 7? Because LaHu may not be reading this to post the answer (little crasian joke, ha, ha!) 32 NFL teams are represented with 7 balls for each team, 10 different 8 balls and 6 "special edition cue balls!" That is 242 flippin balls. It appears the entire NFL season could potentially be played out in one weekend! It this some sort of fantasy football? A new trend that is spreading the nation? You can in theory pit any team up against any other. You could even take an "All Star" team pit them against...say the Cowboys and beat the snot out of them! I was told he may even be getting the NCAA sets as well. I just do not have enough time in my life! Oh, what I am missing!
I guess it all goes well with the 5 plasma TV's in this room, smallest of which is 40". Let's also include the 300+ football helmets that will dorm the display shelves around the room. You'd think this was a football player's house right! Wrong!
And I guess for the women..."at least it is not video games!"
Ah, yes America, no better place.........leading the way in practical!

And yes, not widely known fact, sometimes the "Barcode" font makes me feel smart!