Friday, October 24, 2008

Painful pruning....

It seems the painful pruning continues in my life, what's most interesting to me is that in busy times or slow I am finding those little thorns in my side are still there. The busy times it is easier to overlook those shortcomings, saying I am busy and can not possibly worry about that now. What you end up with, in the slow times I am left alone to stare directly into the belly of the beast.....Makes me think what if I had only addressed that stuff before, it may have been easier. At the very least more manageable in size and scale, dealing with what needs to be changed. What ends up happening, the opportunity is presented that you can not refuse because you have been swallowed by the beast, you now have to fight the whole way out.
Here's an analogy I heard years ago. See there's this dented, dirty trashcan. You take it and pop the dents out, Clean it, polish it, but notice it stinks so you place it back outside. As you lift it the bottom falls out, you are left with this huge mess, that stinks! I am better off dented and dirty, but cleaned on the inside, the only way to change for me is life in Christ.
Seems I am making excuses for not being the first into the pool when the water is clearly articulated when asked by Jesus, "Do you want to be healed?'
Let us try this one, Pastor Steven referenced Nehemiah 2:17-18 God lifts big burdens when we take small steps, start by rebuilding the walls.
Seems I am primed and ready for the "Real Change Campaign...."
Sandra, I love you, you prove what the covenant of marriage really means. Thanks for believing in me. most of all thanks for praying for me!