Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Had a conversation with a friend recently where he used the words "it is nice to feel important." Now my intentions were not to pick at his words, but I had to interject a thought. I as a man often am focused on "importance" especially as someone who desires to be needed or as my friend LB says "addicted to being a hero." See it is not healthy for me to be important, though it is semantics, important signifies either important or unimportant, relevant or irrelevant, it is judgement based on my limited underdstanding.

Truth is we are all important so we need to see our significance. We are all members of the body. We all bring something, thus we all have value. In that significance I am placing no judgement, rather I understand the value we all bring. That value was the focus Jesus had for me. It had nothing to do with cost He would pay, everything to do with the value of that cost.

Now I would challenge anyone to read Dwight Robertson's book "Plan A, there is no plan b" and step away from that book without being encouraged to understand the value and significance we can all bring to the body of Christ.