Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I wanted to start this morning, no God placed on my heart this morning a feeling of joy and gratitude. As I walked into the shop, I was overcome with the emotion of thanksgiving. The feeling was paralizing, I am grateful for what I have. I used to live "wanting," it never seemed I was content in what I have (had).
Occassionally, I walk through the shop with this feeling, rejoicing. Where God has brought us, Sandra & myself, so many blessings. We have seen moments of despair, insecurity, a range of emotion that is easy to focus upon. God's Grace would be the only explanation for lifting us from these pits. Today, I rejoice in the Love He continues to disclose to us. This shop is awesome, to think 14 years ago in Charlotte area I came with a 24' truck holding all that I owned. Now spread over 7500 sf is equipment, materials and projects in the works. It has been a long road, with many turns, long hours and hard work. It is a struggle many can not understand, owning a business, decisions and finding a balance (often still struggle with). My hands have a talent, He blesses my labor. My head has a vision, He shows by what we build here. I want to serve Him, He shows me the areas in my life I must surrender, rely on Him and He will disclose the road in which He wants us to follow.....
So I praise you, Father. It is all too easy to walk with my head down, you call me to lift my head and look up. Look where I am going......if I remember correctly as our girls were learning to walk, they did not focus their attention on their feet and what they were doing. No, they were looking up, often with a smile, looking to one of us as we encouraged their steps. "Father, I see you more clearly each day, help me to raise my head, may my focus be upon you as you encourage my steps....." Thanks must go to you, Jeremiah B. as I watch you learn to walk, to remind me to look up!
Pastor, Thanks, thanks, thanks.... "What I perceive is what I receive...." Thanks to you for your uncompromised Faith, your investment in my heart, your leadership and your vision. Never settling for anything less than your calling, your gifts and life filled with Christ. You have an energy that is nothing less than contegious, magnetic and dynamic. I am finally, thanks to Him in a place to perceive this vision, thank you for challenging me.
Sandra, thank you for allowing me to make mistakes, room to grow, and encouraging me daily. Today I rejoice in the blessings of your believing in me, trusting in Him and leading the way. How often your words to me lift my heart, "I see greatness in you...I am excited in what He is doing in you..." These words are simple to type, but gripping as I type them, tears well up in my eyes as I think of you, all that you have giving to me. Thanks, seems to simple to say, to someone who shows loyalty, commitment and unconditional love like you do. I still get that "falling chair" feeling when I think of you.
Russ, my accountability partner, you've seen me through.....(many blanks to fill in!), prayed for me and shown greatness of character not allowing me to "rest on my laurels." If I am not moving forward I am moving backwards......
Larry B, you charge & challenge me. You remind me if I am not stretched..... I am not growing. You exemplify the fruits of the Spirit, you are a noble warrior.
Kim, my loving sister -you shared a quote 20+ years ago that ring in my heart everyday. "The key to authentic life is self honesty........." I have been searching for this understanding and I know I am on the right path.
Lord, I praise you for helping me to see something greater than what's in front of me not looking down. You lift my eyes, stengthen my steps and fill my life with greatness...........the people around me.