Tuesday, May 19, 2009

give to grow...

Matthew 25:14-30 speaks of the parable of the talents, more specifically for me the one who took no risk with while the others took a risk of uncertainty. The others took that faith lead risk, that they may grow in faith. They risked it all so that God would act on their action.

Thanks Holly for making this so clear, in your message, "PURE." I am surrounded by great people. People who seem to be available, willing to allow God to use them as assets in the lives of others. By that very response and action of availability they are avoiding spiritual stagnation. They are the ones growing, the ones I am drawn to. See God will use you, only you stand in the way of that power. Sandra said something last night to me, she has been entrusted with something. Though she may wish to bury it in the earth (she knows what I am talking about) many feet under the soil! She said, "I may not care about this....., but I care about the relationship." What Sandra said was a simple statement with powerful impact on me, essentially you have to risk....you give to grow!

Here's revelation to me; you grow spiritually by investing yourself into people, using the gifts, talents and resources God has invested into you. Avoid spiritual stagnation by allowing Him to use those very gifts, do not hide them in the sand. He will then show you, He can then use you, He then can feel your worship! As Pastor Steven said this past Sunday, worship is equal parts revelation and response.....