Thanks for leading us in these times, given my choice I would resist this journey with all my being. Clearly I see you in this simply because of my desire to resist it. Your hand is Provincial and Divine. I am broken, reshaped by You. I am weak, strengthened in You. Humbled by Your Mercy and Grace, for me. Aside from You I am not worthy. Your knowing the potential in me. I am Yours.....have always been....now I see.
Then this spoke to me....James 5:11 "Behold, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."
Yours Truly!
p.s. thanks for Your provision...my soul mate, Sandra
p.s.s. thanks for surrounding me with Your people
p.s.s.s. thanks for providing such leadership and vision
Thanks for being so patient with me, today I cry out "Do all that you have in mind....I am with you heart and soul."
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Otherwoods - River Flow
A chance encounter with a band....Otherwoods
One day one of the band members came into the shop selling something. I really did not want to give him the time. I listened, when suddenly God spoke, we began talking about Jesus and the difference He had made in our lives. We talked for almost an hour, prayed together and made a friend. He handed me a CD, a demo of their "Can't See The Forest From The Trees" I instantly put the CD into my computer, listened...Powerful to me. What spoke the loudest to me was the fact of how humble this drumming disciple was to serve the Lord. The talent and opportunity to do what he does in service to Him. The fact that he leveraged his platform to speak for Him. To minister should not be situational, it should be instinctual. After all "Out of the waters, I am a new man..."
Today's favorite song "Climb Upon My Back"
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
no idea where....
I have absolutely no idea what the future looks like, I can tell you this "bring it on!" In a time that seems to be tumultuously tossing me up, down, left, right like one of those spinning rides at an amusement park. See the ride has an end, that's where my faith bears witness. Step in and the ride is in control of the circumstance and event, I know however it is only temporary. Ultimately this is only a moment in time, my faith who I am is only tossed about for that time. He is ultimately in control, I step in, the ride tries to control what is happening but my belief does not change, I believe there is an end. So though I am powerless about where this rides goes in the end He will calm the seas, my responsibility is to continue to bear witness to the provisions of Him in whom I believe.
If I had my way....."my roots take hold and grow stronger, dig deeper into the living waters that I may be the man He intends me to be."
Thursday, November 6, 2008
not just touched.....changed!
What just happened touched my heart and filled me with great joy. I went into my "nectar of the God's" location this morning later than my normal opening visit. After all this is where God finds many of His people! As I walked in I saw a friend from church. He replied "you're running late, what are you doing?" I said I just am in no hurry to get to work, what I found out was He was orchestrating this meeting.
We got our coffees, we sat down and he pulled out his Bible. I asked what he was studying today, we started to talk about Daniel. Then he just opened up, tears in his eyes said, "Chris, I just can not believe His faithfulness. He keeps using this church to impact my life in such a timely manner." Here's what I know from serving alongside of him for the last 9 months. This is a man who no longer wanted to be married, chains of bondage tore at him and they're in financial distress. He struggles with self-worth and image.
He serves with the vision of doing so allows others to experience life change like he is seeing in his life. He embodies the very culture of this church. He told me they started coming to church during "Break-Out" which hit him with truth of his bondage. VLDS series offered them an opportunity to begin to really dig into their marriage, he said his priorities have shifted placing his wife in far greater importance. He said he had just asked someone for help budgeting, and what's the next series "Real Change Campaign." Week after week he is being filled with God's truth, a direction in Him and practical applications for real change. This seems a mirror to me! I thank God for the fact that getting by will never be acceptable again!
So here are 2 grown men with tears in their eyes at our local Starbucks sharing about how our lives have been changed by the ministry of this church! I can not help feeling grateful for the pruning taking place in my life, the standards to the measure of success are weighed by these kinds of impacting moments, not financial, not worldly but of what we are witnessing Him doing all around us. "That people far from God will be filled with life in Christ." My praise to Him who allows me to be transformed, to witness calm seas in the midst of the storm!
Friday, October 31, 2008
things to remember....
"The teacher is always silent during the test..."
"God's past performance always predicates His future ability..."
"Is my integrity worth suffering for?"
Psalm 23. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil... In classic style Pastor highlighted that we are walking through the valley. We might be in the valley today, but God's intention is to take us through it. If it's because of sin or disobedience then repent. If not, then Receive, Remember and Respond and know that no matter how deep your dip is the same God that lead you into it has every intention of leading you through it and on the back side of any valley is always another mountain top!
Hey, John thanks for the perspectives......
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I've got to change....
I am so used to comfort, that often I am scared to fail, it is almost frightening to think I am not willing to leverage everything for Him. The truth is I am in my box, I am comfortable inside that box. Now it is time to develop other skills that exist inside my box and allow them to be called out. I have to start pushing the walls from the inside to expand the area of my box. We live within the reality of our "box." The inspiring part of "thinking inside the box," it is all about the new horizon of my reality. Let me set this up, this was stated to me just yesterday "when life is spoken into someone, God's vision will not fit into the framework of that person." It is in there, so mine is not to focus on the fact that I do not do something well, but how do I do this well? This does not mean I will be gifted at everything I do, nor will I be good at all things, it means I am willing to be what He wants me to be, challenged to disregard my comfort zone. It means my capacity will grow when I push past the point of failure!
Then I read this "The key is learning to peel the onion, stripping away the layers of thinking that don't really add anything." I think it is a perception deal all this time I am focused on what I believe my skills set is, not what He is developing within me.
Monday, October 27, 2008
growing older takes new meanings.....
Now as I have grown older "recess" has added a couple extra pounds of burden. I just could not get my butt out of the seat before I heard "recess...ion!" If I had only been quicker! That stinks, not this again! Makes me wish I had my fingers in my ears, saying "na, na I can't hear you!" Could be a good number of these at a parking lot near you, remember the days this may have been an adventure?.....not a reality.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Painful pruning....
Here's an analogy I heard years ago. See there's this dented, dirty trashcan. You take it and pop the dents out, Clean it, polish it, but notice it stinks so you place it back outside. As you lift it the bottom falls out, you are left with this huge mess, that stinks! I am better off dented and dirty, but cleaned on the inside, the only way to change for me is life in Christ.
Let us try this one, Pastor Steven referenced Nehemiah 2:17-18 God lifts big burdens when we take small steps, start by rebuilding the walls.
Seems I am primed and ready for the "Real Change Campaign...."
Sandra, I love you, you prove what the covenant of marriage really means. Thanks for believing in me. most of all thanks for praying for me!
Monday, October 20, 2008
These guys bring it....
Ok, check out these 2 guys and some incredible percussionists, like Elevation's very own Ge-off. Swift Johnson from "Revolution" and our very own Chris Brown. For you older readers this is Kanye West music, not pronounced Ki-ann (like the pepper) but Con-ye'! Thanks to Swift & Chris for not laughing at me when I said that! Sometimes I show my age way too often, however I would like to share tidbit of information, Kanye had a CD titled "College Dropout." Immediately I could identify with him, but who gets the cred him or me?!?!
Extreme Makeover - lesson learned!
What do you get when you await the premiere of something you've poured heart and soul tirelessly? Rally vendors together with the opportunity to get involved, donate to making it possible? To find they all rise to the occasion, give without expectations or complaint. Asking no questions other than "what else do you need?" Excitement is all around you as family & friends generate energy and vibe. A crescendo of publicity takes great interest in the story, behind the scenes and the process of involvement. You eagerly serve, anticipating reward of recognition. Thoughts begin to be for my praise not His.....
"Your heart beat is for truth, glory and praise to the Lord."
What do you get?....... An opportunity to be reminded of that truth!
Reminded of that very fact it is not for the King family, it is for the KING and His family. To be able to step back and see you have served Him in a mighty way, becoming a connector to the Power. I was reminded of why I do, why I serve and in whom I serve.....
I never expected to be shown on TV, somehow had expected more for what we had done. The lesson here is that I serve the Lord with my time, talent and treasure. He is in charge of how it is used to Glorify Him. Reminds me of LB's post "Addicted to being the hero...."
Lord, I thank you for reminding me of the Master I lovingly serve....in Him I have new life.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Home improvement.....
What gets me most is the web of twine binding it all together, seems to be holding tight, must have been a boyscout! Clearly distracted by the amount of work that needed to be done. This is too much like a Gary Larson cartoon, in real life, what irony! Everyone knows one of life's rules, "know someone with a truck!" Reminds me of the old saying "hire a teenager while they still know everything!" The truth is I have faced many things, situations in life when all I had to do was ask for help. Hindsight, seeing this I laughed and I cried! So what came first the chicken or the egg?
Date night...
Well it's date night, there are few things I look forward to more than a night out with Sandra. I'm looking forward to getting through the day, my day could not have been set up any better. Meeting with LB this morning, then lunch with a Visionary, it will not be long after that I 'll be out with my bride. I would like to thank Elevation , as every married couple received a coupon for dinner at their choice of 12 restaurants, an extremely generous gift. What an opportunity along with reimbursement for childcare, no excuses.
We do this really well and should be doing this more often. In this season of life we find it more difficult to do, many activities and obstacles. This is something we have always enjoyed, we really like to be out together, enjoy the same things and have similar interests. For us, dinner out is some time well spent! This is one of our favorite activities "eating" we do not need anything else to pass the time, it's simple.
In light of this sermon series "VLDS," I thought I would post this picture to offer a little romance in preparation of tonight! You talk about fun, this guy looks like quite a romantic and provider! Clearly he's a man's man, being a Jr. fan and dressed for success. The only thing missing is the "business on top, party in the back" mullet. This guy is truly packing "six pack abs" and the "boyscout type"always prepared carring a "spare tire!" Probably under the fitness regiment of Buck. Can you hear Barry White laying a track in the background? Like "I'm Gonna Love You Just A Little Bit More Baby!" or do you hear Jerry Jeff Walker's "Up Against The Wall, Redneck Mother!"
Monday, October 13, 2008
pull up those britches.....
Yes, I can not deny the fact I am becoming the old man in the crowd. The one I used to make fun of, the crotchety one who starts sentences with things like "when I was you age....!" or "I just don't understand young people today...!"
I was standing outside my local "nectar of the God's" store the other day. Watching a kid get out of his car. He took what easily was 3 minutes to adjust himself to make just the right statement, his interpretation! He stood up to adjust the hat with just enough twist to shout "I'm a punk!" (my interpretation). Pulled at his pants, wiggling, writhing adjusting himself just right, tugging, yanking and pleating to get those pants at the proper height across his butt. You all know what I am talking about, you've asked yourself the same question!
Only then was he able to move forward, his left arm swinging and right hand grasping at his mid-section to hold his pants from falling all the way to his ankles.
Moments ago his pants were cinched up at his waist, where they would not have dropped! What sense does this make? I kept my mouth shut but really wanted to suggest he just pull them up. Just then I remembered how I must have looked in those holey jeans I used to wear back in the 80's.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
When traveling....
Here are a couple of things I like to know when traveling, before leaving!
1. If this is going to be gone over a Sunday, where can we go to church, hear a dynamic message from and incredible visionary and communicator like Pastor? Finding the church is rarely an issue, everything after that is difficult. The last couple of vacations we've taken our return is Saturday so we do not even have to cross that bridge! It has come to the point where the girls ask to be back for church on Sunday, 'nuff said!
2. If traveling with my wife, how many pairs of shoes will this trip require? You have to understand that children are a product of their environment, so if it is a 5 pair trip automatically it will now be 15 pair to bring. That is a whole 'notha suitcase!
3. Is there a Starbucks?
4. Directions to 'git there, no need I am a guy!
Depending on the trip not always in that order!
Now what's the best way to travel taking all this into consideration?
Travel with the Church, today's the day we are heading to Atlanta for Catalyst Conference. No doubt about 100 others from our church will know where the closest Starbucks is on our way to the conference to hear some incredible church leaders speak, one notable would be the aforementioned Pastor Furtick! Hold on tight, this is going to be what it is like to attend Elevation Church in the near future, he'll be preaching to about 12,000!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
the ultimate slacker therapy...
Ok, I have just recieved a delivery for a client that may just beat every other excess this year. I was told this would come directly to us from a vendor so we could build appropriate storage. I mean we are in and out of 10,000+ square foot homes on a regular basis, they are often filled with excess, not to mention the size alone. Not for me to judge, honestly the larger the more cabinetry and furniture we can build for them.
This was a pool ball set most would assume 16 balls total....no what's 32 x 7? Because LaHu may not be reading this to post the answer (little crasian joke, ha, ha!) 32 NFL teams are represented with 7 balls for each team, 10 different 8 balls and 6 "special edition cue balls!" That is 242 flippin balls. It appears the entire NFL season could potentially be played out in one weekend! It this some sort of fantasy football? A new trend that is spreading the nation? You can in theory pit any team up against any other. You could even take an "All Star" team pit them against...say the Cowboys and beat the snot out of them! I was told he may even be getting the NCAA sets as well. I just do not have enough time in my life! Oh, what I am missing!
I guess it all goes well with the 5 plasma TV's in this room, smallest of which is 40". Let's also include the 300+ football helmets that will dorm the display shelves around the room. You'd think this was a football player's house right! Wrong!
And I guess for the women..."at least it is not video games!"
Ah, yes America, no better place.........leading the way in practical!
And yes, not widely known fact, sometimes the "Barcode" font makes me feel smart!
Friday, October 3, 2008
what's that smell?
Driving the other day I keep smelling something in the distance, not like the smell of summer rain on hot asphalt, not the smell of popcorn or crackers near the Lance factory. No this was different, slightly intoxicating actually. By that I mean overwhelming, I tried but could not quite identify the smell. Again I smell this overwhelming fragrance, "where for art thou?" Just then I realized it was from the vehicle in front of me. Driving an average of 45 mph, I could smell this from approximately 2 car lengths. Every time we got to a traffic light it was totally enveloping, so much fragrance that my nose seemed to have been burned.
My question is, how much air freshener does it take to pass your gas to other vehicles on the road while driving 45 mph? I mean what would it have been like to have sat in that vehicle?
You talk about vehicle emissions, this was a black ball of green house gas.
I am not sure what he's trying to cover up, I do have a suggestion.... "close your windows, you're killing the rest of us!"
It was a little like walking by that person who is wearing polyester that has not been dry cleaned, well worn and freshened only by some perfume or cologne! A conflict for the nose, just as you catch a whiff, you gasp for relief.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
the fascade....
I received a voicemail last night from an employee, "I may not make it in tomorrow, my mom died, I'll call you in the morning." This floored me, as it was such an a matter of fact statement void of any emotion, monotone and stoic.
Immediately, I am drawn to my own relationships and the inevitable future. I do not know if you would categorize my relationship with my father as estranged, but I would. Virtually have no contact with him, our youngest daughter has never met him and I can not remember the last time I spoke to him.
I stumble through my responsibility in this often, haunted by the possibility of being hurt again. I am 44 years old and still suffer from the lack of a father figure, really his approval. I have always felt as I have not met or lived up to expectations. Amazing to me all I have been blessed with how much I have grown, yet in some way, shape and form I am effected by this relationship.
I ask myself if this "void of emotion" response would be mine if I was leaving this message for someone else. If the answer is yes, what do I need to change in light of what I have learned walking with Him?
When I spoke with this employee this morning he was clearly broken and distraught. Weeping, he told me what was going on and what happened. By no means am I exploiting this conversation, it however reminds me life is short. Bottom line this relationship is disabled because of the lack of communication, not communicating can destroy any relationship. Especially my relationship with the Lord, if I am not investing, embracing and participating I could end up with the same relationships in my life as my father.
I think Christ paid much too high a price for me to ignore and accept time just passing by....and He desires more from me than to just let life pass.....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Givin' your all...
I could not believe my ears on Sunday while watching football, I heard an announcer make the statement about a wide receiver in the game who was blocking for another member of his team. The play did not revolve around him, yet he participated. As if this was not expected, initiative he took on his own. No, it is a team sport and requires the team to play at their best. It disgusts me to hear about these egos, their wages could support a village and some. To hear about the demands and stipulations placed on team sports by individual athletes. Now granted they are the cream of the crop in their discipline, but why is it put up with? Because someone will, can't beat them join them mentality.
It is the crevasse where capitalism & free enterprise meets compromised integrity or stupidity. This may even be why the economy in the US is suffering from the very same, when the demand is high, supply dictates.
I am rewarded to serve the best, who demands the highest level of game. Who demands participation on every play and when my game is not at the top, the team does not look back to me and give up. No, they step up and realize what needs to be done, fill the void and teach me what it means to be a part of a team. They expect me to be a part of every play no matter what my role is going to require, I count on them and they count on me. Participation is not about perfection, it is about committed effort. That means I am in every play with or without the ball.
Nowhere do I see this more than at a church, the leadership, staff recognizes that without the wire to the speakers, someone praying for others, hands moving cars through a parking lot and a smile greeting - the game will be lost. Jesus paid too high a price for me to sit out this play, I must always be spiritually invested. Every Sunday I am amazed at how this plays out, and the commitment to improve is never sacrificed for ego. I am grateful to have such an awesome power of example in my life, shouldn't the church be leading the way?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Economic stimulous....
My suggestions after considerable consideration to helping the current state of the nation are as follows. If we were to start a movement to donate all of our pennies back to the government for the bail out of the financial investment markets, mortgage companies, and now the insurance industry, we could make a number of statements all at the same time....
1. Rebellion because the cent symbol was deleted from the keyboard (personal favorite)
2. Help get billion dollar industries back on their feet to mismanage more of our future.
3. Help the suffering CEO's support their lifestyles.
4. The government could purchase some "CoinStar" machines instead of a bailout, a better investment than the banks.
5. Make a significant statement as the corporations bring rolls, bags, boxes and jars of pennies to pay their bills now to the "Government CoinStar" according to my calculations for every 10 million in pennies that equals 800 thousand the government recovers for additional overspending.
6. Automatically the penny becomes phased out, as we donate them to this bailout it will be the last we ever see of the penny. Saving the government even more money as the mint no longer produces them.
7. Increase space under the bed, in the closet, reducing clutter all over the house. Saves gas as the gross weight of vehicles everywhere are lightened by the emptying of ashtrays and cup holders everywhere, all this just seems better for the environment all the way around.
8. It allows us to make the statement to all parties involved in this bailout what we think of them. Both a statement that we wish to treat them like we treat the penny (suggesting they are dispensable bursting their arrogant bubbles and over inflated market value) and we are also helping them, well bailing them out. Perhaps they will even be more honest about their earnings, value and worth, adding accountability to their existance, that's just silly!
9. Now my platform may be slightly skewed, not hold water, nor really solve a problem - that's why I am saying it, who knows a political office may be in my future!
10. It does however get rid of the 5 gallon bucket full of pennies we so hopefully call the "Disney Fund." It will be a sacrifice as this is the year we are going to take that bucket and go to Disney, proving what a real savings account look like!
11. This may be the end of "short sale" and "holds" that may be the root of this whole problem to begin with.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thanks Mack...
This may not answer the questions from last post, perhaps they can begin to explain some even deeper questions like what makes Disney, Disney..... Most would not even remember it started way back when with Annette & Frankie!
Disney Lab Unveils Its Latest Line Of Genetically Engineered Child Stars
Pushing my luck...
On the heels of those wishes granted, I thought I would propose a question that has been hidden inside for years in the hopes the answer would revealed. I think I am a relatively intelligent man with some propensity for advertising. General understanding of marketing, promotion and sales. All this being said, I drive by a used car lot and see these cars on the property with their hoods up, doors open and flashers on.....What's up with this?
I drive by and think to myself,
Hood up means "universal sign of car trouble!" Go figure, a used car lot with a potential lemon.
Doors open "emptying everything out to get to the spare tire or the rapture happened and those at the dealership are left behind!"
Flashers on "signaling you need help or lining up for a parade!"
I ask myself every time if I am missing something? I just do not understand, are these the thoughts they have intended me to have?
I have a goal before my time passes to understand the car selling/buying game. The answer to this may help me in this trivial pursuit!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Dreams do come true...
My genie is "shasian" (shaven-asian), he has so many characteristics that I would want (or better honed), a mentor of genius I would say. Not just genius, "creative genius with ninja like mind, fast and stealthy. Teaching grasshopper without grasshopper even knowing of it's learning!" A way of being practical and push the envelope both at the same time. Just recently featured in the illustrious "Collide" magazine he was, along with some "cooleagues." Just wanted him to know how grateful I am to have been able to have a couple wishes granted! I felt like I was at Disney, if you could arrange that too (all expenses paid preferably!) I choose not to share what he did for me, he knows what he blessed me with and that is the most important. They may have seemed small, but I really got the big picture! Who knows maybe one day it will happen again! Funny, cause I was just getting used to my "mexasian" (pronounced "me'c-a-sion") genie! He inspires me to be better, for that I thank the Lord for men like him in my life! Oh, happy day....now if only "La-Hu" would stick.....
Friday, September 19, 2008
Challenged by others...
What do you call someone who punches in, bears no responsibility, motivation for payday and loiders in mediocrity? Someone who accepts no challege to grow, learn or instruct others?
I think I have the answer, employees of mine! Do not get me wrong, these guys are great, but they do not allow themselves room for improvement, revision or constructive feedback. When this environment really fosters growth and vision that is the fruit it will bear. They are not pushed hard enough or pushed by each other.
I have been thinking of our business a great deal, asking what needs to change so it is not a continuous cycle of just getting by. I know that when my hockey team plays teams above our level, we typically exceed expectations. We raise our level of play, I know this is true for me. The better my competition, the harder their shot, instinct takes over in my game. You see years of play provide the experience to be able to instinctively evaluate the puck position, body language and watch their eyes to know where they are looking to place the puck. In milliseconds the body responds to the input and makes the save. When playing below our level, anticipation & instinct can only be based on best guess not experience. With lower skill set, your aim could be for the corner mishit the puck and you've scored, logic, game scenario, odds or positional play are removed. You never really know what could happen.
I am used to playing at a higher level in business, because I have everything to lose. My employees have nothing to lose because it is allowed. I was out to lunch with a friend and mentor the other day, I was describing what was going on, he said, "God has great plans for you, getting smaller is not what I see from Him. You have everything you need to excel and dominate." See as I serve in the church I have everything to lose, their is an urgency because lives are on the line. I serve with heart and soul, I need to make sure I am teaching the same thing in our business. I need to step up take charge and set my standards, living by them. By golly, get on board or I am going to kick you off this train. I am tired of being the only one stretching here. I asked what these accomplishments meant that God has blessed onto our business, He is telling me we are capable of being so much more, trust in Him and work hard, it is OK to expect it from those around me. I am being compromised by wearing all the hats because others are not stepping up to wear theirs. Let's work a little competition into this place and watch what I know we are capable to delivering, to exceed expectations can be my only focus to succeed.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What a dog told me.....
I met a dog today, doggone he was a happy boy! He was so excited to see me, his tail a waggin' his whole body was shakin' waiting for me to get close and pet him. There is nothing to me like the way a dog greets you, I feel special simply by their excitement. Let's call him "Buddy," He just couldn't hold back his glee, I was calling for him as I neared, with a howl and grunts He answered back. I called to Buddy, he was springing in the air.
I finally was able to pick him up and get kisses from him. Sniffing me, licking my face and wagging his tail that kept whacking me in the side with his excitement! I put Buddy down and bent down to play with him. He kept following me everywhere, bumping into me to get my attention. He came over at one point and sat on my foot until I bent down to pet him. He's a happy dog......what I did not tell you is Buddy has 3 legs, you would never even notice he was not like the other dogs! He may have some sort of handicap, it never even phased him. He was not down, beaten, resentful or seeking pity. He was just like the others, bounding like the others...acting like the others...no he was actually more incredible than any of the others. He made me feel like I was the only thing he was thinking about, I was the most important to him.
The first thought I came away with, he never complained about his physical limitations, he worked around them in perfect harmony with his personality...Buddy. He was a goofy puppy that loves life no matter what it looked like! His enthusiasm is kenetic.
The second thought was (pardon the comparison to a dog) the Lord, how he feels about me. No judgement is placed who I was, what I have done, of how I have gotten here. Oh how He loves me, knows me and believes in me. One thing is certain I am always greeted with loving and open arms, with an excitement that has truly become contagious in my heart.
Thanks to my friend, let's call Him Buddy!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Lord seems to have me in a period of pruning, that I may bear fruit. Pastor Furtick's message from 2 weeks ago, from the Gospel of John 15. verse 2 He cuts off the branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
I am learning about remaining in the vine, the real significance of believing and being nourished.
Here's my best attempt at where I am at now in my life. The irony in my journey, last week I received information that our business was selected as 1 of Wood 100's top small businesses of the year. In fact they have rated us at #43 in the nation, the criteria for this qualification is based on many different factors, not easily achieved as we only supply information and they research the factors and examine the prior years as well. This is awesome, Praise God. I really do not know how to celebrate, as this is truly His achievement not mine.
Sandra and I have trusted in Him for all the growth, change and transformation over the last 4-5 years to bring us where we are today. About 13 years of believing I had something to do with success before now. I stand again at the turning point, as I have no understanding of what I can do now. We have been in overdrive over the last couple of months, turning projects away as we did not have the time to take more work. Jobs lined up in cue, for whatever reasons beyond my control and in part could have controlled. Delays, economy and simple uncertainty finding work is difficult right now.
So what am I trying to say? All the awards, publicity and achievements mean nothing without trusting in Him. Being named the 43rd in the nation will do nothing to pay my bills, trusting that He is in control and loves us makes the pain of pruning that much bearable knowing we will bear fruit. More important that He is in control, submitting myself to the truth and getting out of His way while He shapes our future.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Trojan horse realization.....
I am beginning to mature as a business owner. The light bulb went on yesterday as my eyes were opened to business and spiritual parallels.
A job came into our shop, really because our samples were brought to other shops and they could not produce the finish, style and details we had on these specific samples. Our cost was higher to produce this product than other shops. By the very fact our samples were in other shops was an alarm sounding, but I did not heed the warning! Here's what is interesting spiritually, I was asked to look again at our cost and can we do some value engineering to be able to help and build the job on a more obtainable budget. Reluctantly, I agreed and followed through on this found ways to cut cost and made concessions on our end to work outside of our margins. It will move quickly is relatively simple project with accelerated timeline. I must commit those words to memory. Concessions were discussed and understood, I thought. I have to say I place a lot of faith in conversations without documenting thoroughly, just brief notes and verbal understanding. This client is great, kind and wonderful, I had some real peace about making these concessions. What has happened, absolutely everything is under extreme scrutiny almost to say if there are 3 knots on the wood there should have been 4 or 2. Any job that begins with negotiation in my experience, does not end until that last negotiation is won. It inevitably will be costing me money, time, effort and other opportunity. It is ridiculous, the details do not matter beyond the real spiritual significance.
Here's what I believe spiritually, I came into this allowing compromise to my belief, a man is worthy of his hire....I was willing to compromise what I believe (integrity), what works (experience) and more important allowed this compromise to leave an opening. This vulnerability exposes me and allows topography in my life to be unguarded. This small opening comes under attack and next thing you know a Trojan horse has compromised the fortress walls. I am now totally at the mercy within my own walls of this attack, no one is to blame but me for letting the area be unguarded. Stand firm in the faith of steadfast understanding and remain guarded, He will restore you.
Here is my direct analogy - I am allergic to cats, kittens are cute! If I allow a kitten to come into my home, it will not be long before I will will be paying the price and coughing blood! Does that make any sense?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Romance.....& the Kohler company
Yea, so Sandra and I celebrated a wedding anniversary last week, I know most reading this(probably even her!) ask how could she put up with me? If that alone does not prove the existence of a Lord and Savior what could? Let's move on, she has put up with me, some things you can't explain! Ok so now, what could be more romantic on your porcelain anniversary than a new toilet, I hope 14th is porcelain or this whole theory of my thought process and gift idea is in vain! Hey, Wes, I said theory and my thought process in one sentence! Again proving there is a God!
Now back to the story, not just a toilet, but an ADA approved unit. Taller for comfort of it's users. Not just taller, but elongated for the better fit. Not just taller and elongated, but good for the environment. Yes, with just a half the water from our older junked unit. Take that! I have to tell you both of us are in awe of the wonder Kohler company has created. I mean this is like the lap of luxury, staying at the Ritz-Carlton, first class ticket, it has changed my world! Who knew?
So best of all I have to tell you personally, not just taller, elongated, environmentally favorable it potentially will improve my golf game! How you ask? Let me tell you, the marketing information clearly stated "it can handle a bucket of golf balls in a single flush." What does this mean to me, I will finally get a hole in one! If I wasn't scared to ruin the plumbing in our house I would follow through with their promise! I have to tell you with the wonders it already performs, I may just believe them. When you buy one for your house, I will try that little golf ball experiment at your house!
I think people were a little taken back when Sandra was boasting of her anniversary present from yours truly. She was happy telling our friends.....this may just go down in the annals of history as one of the most romantic gifts to date! Here's to the challenge to top that next year! I am just happy that our old one held out long enough to tick her off enough that this one was like sent from heaven! I had been planning this gift for some time! Yes, it would have been entirely possible to put another $20 "fix-it" kit into the old one, but not half the story to tell for years to come! Makin' memories....best of all we laughed and still are laughing, a happy ending (no pun intended!) Just one question, does this mean our marriage is going to the pot? Just a little potty humor, get it?!!!!
Happy Anniversary, I love you more than ever, thanks for putting up with me!
Monday, September 8, 2008
hello, old friend....
There are a few friends in your life you have not seen for some period of time. It is effortless to catch up, as if those moments in between had never been there. Simply a comfort and chemistry that allow catching up in an instance. Today I was reunited with an old friend, this morning was special, long anticipated, and well worth it. I look upon this friend with anxious eyes, moments of small talk, greetings and we embraced. Yes how I have missed my old friend, but here you are right next to me, it has been 21 days since the last time we saw each other. I was almost shaking with joy, when I took that first long sip, oh yes, it is good to be reunited with my old friend caffeine! The irony is thick, as you forget after a period of time the things you did not like about this friend, like queasy stomach, jitters and shakes. I sit and wonder if just maybe we were not meant to be reunited to begin with, just when I was getting used to spending virtually no money in the course of the day, hello Starbucks...I'm back.
What did I learn? I think I like the culture of Starbucks more than I like the products, today! I enjoy the people that work those early hours, they are a lot like me. My first cup of liquid gold was free from money, but the price may have been to high.... Oh what to do????.....Just when I really was comfortable without you, life was good and my instant sleeping incidences had subsided I have to decide!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Addiction in an instance....
What I have noticed about myself through this time of the Daniel Fast, I have abstained from a number of my crutches. Caffeine, sugar, meat, preservatives along with cigars. I have been able to move beyond most of these nutritional crutches, for this period of time without much repercussion. However, cigars, this has been a tremendous battle internally, and 17 days later does not seem to be any easier. First, let me admit that I am addicted to cigars, I can not remember the last time I went this long without one. So this addiction may not cause me to loose my family or business for me it is not "cigars," it is the addictive behavior I watch.
What is most fascinating to me is the fact I have battled drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, porn - with His power I have been able to walk free from these addictive behaviors. They have presented their own struggles, but the freedom is a result of perseverance & His power in my life. What is most incredible about addictive compulsion and behavior is I can be in the Word, praying focused on Him, in a millisecond I am in the throws of desire. So quickly, it is almost as if I never had the resolve moments ago, it may take another addictive personality to understand this. More over an addict is compulsively drawn, all rational thought is out weighed by the addictive draw, this is why most would roll the dice that they can do this again without regard to what they have to loose. Any addiction I have struggled with is the exact same, I can have the greatest resolve not to live this way and whoof I am back in the presence of what I desire to give up. Proof positive that for transformation to take root it takes more than white knuckles and self will to break free from the bondage. His power and grace in my life is the only real answer.
Just tiring learning how addictive my personality really is, over and over one for another. The only answer is to stay close to Him, Victory is His and it is for me!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Last winter I had a client that wanted us to do more work. We had completed a home office for them, she had then decided she wanted a "wow" kitchen. Bottom line we met, measured and began the process, I could not produce the drawings quick enough for them as they were leaving for Florida for the winter. She decided to get another company involved, because I was too busy to help on her timeline before they left for the winter. In this day and age of email, video messaging, Internet capabilities I could not understand their haste. We had even discussed me visiting them in Florida as have their own plane to bring samples back and forth etc. Really what they wanted was the home to be complete in April when they returned, construction completed.
Well they were able to find that company who was ready to jump right in, design and build in such a short period of time. They did...and they returned from wintering in Florida.......
Upon their return she walked in to her new kitchen and gasped. This was not the "wow" she thought she would feel. It is a nice kitchen, simply did not make the impact nor the statement they hoped to experience. She called me back and asked me to come up to help walk through and offer some thoughts. She admitted her mistake, stated they were not involved enough in the process. Clearly unable to articulate their hopes and desire for their home to this other company. The more you look around the less it all fits together and leads to the "WOW" factor.
We are now completely redesigning a new kitchen for them, mostly because her first impression has stuck in her head.
My points here could be many, but more importantly communication with careful articulation. See she can not be satisfied, because the first impression will always make that statement to her. Changing things and adding bandages is just that, it still falls short of living with the "wow" impact. The first impression will be there underneath the patches, you only have one shot at that first impression. Another reason I am in such "awe and wonder" for the staff and volunteers of Elevation Church that never stop short of making that lasting impression. There is only one shot at a first impression, after that you have redouble and start over to make that impression....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I feel as though we/I am under attack. We have been extremely busy and as a result things get overlooked, are missing or incomplete. This is not good, and I must address the root of the issue and be better organized that I may also breed better organization. As things around are creating problems out of our control, there simply is no argument when we may have some contributing factor in this.
A couple of weeks ago, I was mowing the lawn and put the lawn mower away in the garage. The following week, I pulled the mower out to cut it again. Something was wrong the self-propelled transmission was not working. This meant greater effort, I had to push the mower all by myself. Instead of "getting under the hood" and investigate I just pushed and said I will look into it later. So I cut the lawn the following week I pull the gear box cover off, checked the cable and looked into everything I could to make sure connections were in proper order. I found nothing wrong, so I cut the lawn again manually, "after all it's better exercise." I was overlooking the problem, making excuses, and just living with it the way it was...avoiding the problem. Well the following week I started the mower resolved in the fact I would just have to get used to pushing the mower. Then I looked down and saw the speed control was turned all the way down. Yes, I felt kind of stupid at this point, but on the other hand it was like receiving a blessing.
What is my moral to the story? When I am too busy I am only setting myself up for problems. I get too used to just adjusting, accepting or over looking the real issues. So even if I am under attack or being tested I have to make sure my life is in order and I am not leaving myself exposed to something for Satan to grab hold of, sometimes it is just the simplest of things.
Monday, August 25, 2008
"Has no one condemned you...."
John 8:9-11
9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
11 “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”
I was floored by something today that just powerfully spoke to me from John 8:9-11. Simple words from Jesus, as the woman caught stood in front of an angry mob that was trying to discredit Jesus and His teaching. He says in the verse proceeding "If any of you is without sin, let him cast the first stone." I have heard sermons, teachings and many messages about this verse, this is powerful in it's weight and significance. It's the next verses that spoke today and there are so many things about this I do not understand, like the oldest leaving first and so on. That I am sure is incredibly packed with it's own nuggets. He knew none would cast a stone, he changed the angry crowd with simple words totally transformed those in His presence. What was Jesus drawing in the dirt, during this time as He looked down?!?!
It was His words alone, He did not even have to look people in the eye to have them hear Him. Truth that descends all nations, generations and situations. Immediately, I thought what if that one self righteous fool (because I have been that one) stood there and cast a stone. What would He say...then? Jesus did not have to say anything then!!!!! It did not happen, He totally defused the situation, by simple presenting the "Gospel." Then Jesus said to the woman "Has no one condemned you?" The lesson no one condemned her, not even Jesus. Is this not freedom, "Go now and leave your life of sin."
Friday, August 22, 2008
What an awesome time it is....
I am excited to find where the Lord is leading us as a family. My loving, wonderful wife taking a new role in her life, as she home schools our girls. The adjustment seems to have gone well, kids enjoying their teacher! Jessica having been baptised at Elevation Church 2 weeks ago. What more could go on in our world, total transformation! In the midst of the 21 day Daniel Fast, along with hundreds of others, my heart is about to burst as I wait to see where He is bringing us. Our church launches a new campus this Sunday, "Uptown." Exciting times in life as He continues to build me as a man, in His image. I feel as though I am experiencing an incredible move of God, and I am on board!
With all this good, I just want to ask Him to be patient as I am finding someone really stepping on my nerves around every corner. I will not lash out, but it seems every attempt I make towards acceptance of him, I am hit with another opportunity to pray! Just goes to show me just how much I need Him, need His direction and need to remember His sacrifice for me......
Just a little perspective.... BTW Sandra, I am proud of you, your willingness to serve Him and honor me is a testimony of your faith! I love you. What more could a man ask for?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Cardboard testimonies...
What an incredible experience to participate in this worship celebration. Sunday morning in all services at Elevation we celebrated the back of these cardboard testitmonies. It is not where you were, what you've done or who you were...it is all about what, who and where we are in Christ today. The healing, delivering and merciful Grace for all to find in Him. As I wrestled all week knowing I was going to participate to share my/our testimony with others, I reviewed, revised and edited my story. All week Sandra and I would have a discussion, as we have prayed that we could make a difference, serve and honor Him. Well, fortunately(I guess) I have one of those testimonies that where ever a story was missing I could probably fill that blank! Yes, I have lead a life filled with many selfish, self will run rampent and poor choices! Rarely a lack of excitement when I am in charge, stupidity rules!
Anyway our week was discussing, calling LB and telling him what we were thinking. Talking some more, editing and revising, calling LB and telling him what we were thinking. Another conversation, calling LB and saying "just use us in anyway that we may serve Him."
What's the lesson to be learned.....why limit the power of God? You see I continued to edit and revise my testimony, when we came complete circle here. I am what I am, it is not what others think, God is in me, transformed me and delivered me! Why edit that, because "what will they think of me?" starts taking over questioning where I am in Him. That is the perfect example for me to understanding limiting the power of God. What did I learn? He impressed on me I must realize "He is the author!" No editing needed, yes He is the author!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
So perhaps you've heard....
The Daniel Fast to this point is most certainly an adjustment to normal conditions. My body performs differently without 6 iced shots of espresso! Black Gold, liquid love, my friend we may reunite after 21 days! Honestly somehow it seems my days are longer, want to nap just a little more and seems I need to snack! It is finally here though, somehow I know God is going to use this time and obedience to powerfully move me, my family and business. This I am most excited about, what He will reveal to me. Really everything I hold close in my dietary relationship is being juggled and removed, willingly. I have at least a hundred others in the same place as me, so why complain, "just do it." I will admit 21 days seems a long way off, but I only have today, before you know it......I may return to my Starbucks! Just a pipe dream right now!
I am excited to serve Him. Pastor thanks for your vision. Lord thanks for your faithfulness!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Olympic mindset....
Years ago I, was at the OTC (Olympic Training Center) in Minnesota, I was surrounded by athletes who had an internal drive and vision to be champions. What resonated in my mind after spending time skating, training and working out with them was their mindset. The focus of their attention was not to beat others, but to be the best they can be. When called on to perform in their discipline, they expected the best from themselves, it had nothing to do with their competition.
Here's another approach, when researching a purchase of machinery or equipment, I come in contact with sales people who rep manufacturers. Some approach this potential sale knocking and pointing out specific short-comings of other manufacturers, rather than focusing on the sale of their equipment. They look to the weakness of others rather than their strengths, my response is typically to tune them out, or begin to see that I should look more to the competition because they spend so much time attacking the others. They compare points and parts on many rather than focusing on their product. Integrity becomes more in question as they are trying to beat the others, rather than to build a sound foundation. When a sales rep tells me about their equipment and only theirs the questions are answered, more fundamentally sound, it gives me the facts I am seeking.
Far too often I am in situations in life that my instinct is to look around, questioning others, myself and wanting to be better than them. My measure is far short from my being the best I can. I am a competitor rather than a champion.
What am I driving at, for me to be more effective I must not worry about others and what is around me. I must focus more on how can I be the best I can be. To be a true champion I have to instinctively call upon the strength from within, call on His Glory and Power. When I am focused on beating others, someone will come on the other side and overtake me because my focus is not on my victory, my best or where my strength comes from. My goal is bound in comparison rather than to be a champion. I stand in the way of the Power...I limit myself and His Power in me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
In the hearts of those that love Him, they publicly proclaim a sign of Faith, in this case my oldest being baptised by Pastor. It has been an incredible experience to see the move of God in the hearts of His people. To hear the stories of hearts restored, families blessed and all charged with the Spirit of service to Him.
This was truly a momentous day in my life as Jessica had decided she wanted to be Baptised, choking that lump in my throat, eyes filled with tears, I am reminded just how great God is to me, my family and our children. Not only this reminder, but as I was sitting at my desk sobbing when I opened an email from Jody, who had put together a video of Jessica on this day. Not only is He blessing our family, He is surrounding us with the most incredible people who share this heart!
Again, I find myself wiping tears from my eyes praising Him for His Grace.
Hang on, as Elevation is focused on the vision, "So that people far from God, filled with life in Christ," a new season is upon us, the next few weeks will be filled with even more movement in this city. 1044 Baptisms in 2 weeks, it has just begun......no one can receive this credit but Him who lived and died for us. Daniel 1:17 "....And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds." Samuel 14:7 "Do all that you have in mind....I am with you heart and soul."
Friday, August 8, 2008
sock trauma defused.....
Yesterday, a hurdle of immense proportion was brought to my attention. As I noticed one of the guys walking funny, I asked "what's the matter?" I mean you'd a thought there was a major problem, surgery just the day before or something! Wincing pain and anguish at every step of the way. His response, "I forgot my socks!" Not just that, but "I have to go to Wal-Mart and pick some socks up, it's too hot to work without them!" As I listened to incredible (insert sarcasm) dilemma, many things rushed through my head, the foremost thought "I cried because I had not shoes, until I saw a man with no feet." Oh my gosh, you'da thought the world was going to end on account of the missing socks. With compassion (insert sarcasm) in my heart, I suggested if you are still suffering at lunch he could use his lunch time to go purchase socks! Or I said, I could just send you home for the day, unpaid, your choice." It was like a rehearsed step, drag, wince, slightly embellished and over acted! I am not doubting or questioning his need for socks, I may have been more skeptical than compassionate! Ironically, what happened when presented with the choices (options I suggested) somehow he was able to muster up the stamina to put up with the pain, in fact I did not see the wincing the rest of the day! The lesson I have learned from this trauma in his life applied to mine, be more careful when you get dressed! Do not always focus on the problem, in fact just by persevering, turning your attention away, you may find you have the strength provided. Before you know it a stronghold overcome!
Oh, yeah I need to work on the compassion in these situations, without sarcasm!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
How the Lord answers prayer...
Yesterday, when this crazy cycle in life was wrapping up, while on the set of EMHE, Sandra called and said Bob was not doing well. Bob our dear golden retriever, 15 years old, had lead a good life, the best dog I may ever know. I raced home from the set and was there for his last hours on earth with us. We have been through this when Chloe passed just a few months ago, never known the shear pain and anguish the loss of "man's best friend." Bob defied the odds throughout his life a number of times, this was Bob. He never gave in to be a normal dog, he was always a survivor, never know he was in pain. Yesterday was different, I left the house at 5:00 and knew in my heart something was different today, Sandra woke to the same feeling. Bob was ready to be with the Lord and Chloe.
All I can take away from this whirlwind of emotion is as the King Family receives new life through the heart and sweat involved in Extreme Makeover Home Edition, our home too is going through it's own Extreme Makeover, life without Bob. He has always been a regal and noble dog, bringing so much to our lives through his life, heart and devoted love! "We love you big boy," Lord thank you for all the joy we've found through his life and death.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Random thoughts....
1. During a week of intensive effort, Starbucks is the best solution for me to keep pace! Red Bull has nothing on 8 shots on ice!
2. Wade & Ferris are remarkable inspirations of Faith!
3. Can't help but to think this EMHE is what it is like for staff every time there is a big event about to happen at Elevation Church! My hat is off to staff it probably is a fair comparison!
4. Best of all, Sandra and the girls returned from summer vacation in New Hampshire!
Talk about vision, a sight for sore eyes!
5. Did you know if you are talking to someone who may be classified as OCD, if you stare at their forehead, they will continue to adjust their hair! Sorry John, it was an experiment, it worked! Besides it was amusing for me!
6. If today works out as planned, somewhere in the middle I will be blessed to have lunch with an incredible voice in my life, who has ignited a fire in my heart that is burning out of control! Before and after shove & cram 18 hours of work into my day as quickly as I can and return to my wife's loving arms! God Rocks!
7. Airports suck, but when your family is returning from vacation, they are not half bad!
8. Built stuff for Sunday by Wednesday, proving communication can make more time in life! Being empowered rather than entangled, that's my goal!
9. Why is it some people can not even take constructive criticism? They are affected or infected for days! Is this a cancer in an organization?
10. Kiss my wife and let her know how important she is, there's never too much of that!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
things I learned on summer vacation.....
A man is capable of eating an entire box of Sesame Melba Rounds in one sitting.
Salad is not bad when your wife is away.
Pasta & Filet Mignon go just fine together.
Vegetables do not have to be eaten for a week, well except for salad.
I display an addictive behavior watching the History & Nat Geo channels.
"locked up abroad" would really be a bummer!
Caffeine rocks, especially 6 iced shots on the way home at night! I can stay awake until 11!
I talk to myself more often when left alone, good or bad?
Weeding the garden at 10:00 p.m. is not as easy as daylight hours.
King size bed, 1 dog, 1 man still not enough room.
Still practicing to perfect the power nap
I got mail, not a bill, but a thank you note, whoa!
Laundry can still be done in 1 load, better for the environment too!
Do not smell your hockey stuff in a big whiff, no matter how many times it's been washed!
Just about every "how's it's made or engineering show is good for a man to watch."
the dude on "Flipping Out" should have his man card revoked, he's an id-git!
How ever I do feel more balanced after watching him!
Quiet time has been good for me spiritually, but ready for the girls to come home!
Caffeine does not make me who I am, but helps to get me through what has to be done or not!
I bought a box of CousCous, why? I guess to go with 100 corn tortillas!
Just because I miss my girls....
Lord, thanks for them!
Extreme disaster avoided...
What have I learned about communication, you ask? The overall requirement for over communicating when time is of the essence! Met Price Brothers Plumbing, handling the plumbing for the EMHE, to make sure we understand what their needs are, what needs to be done and how. Fortunately before work began we have avoided hours of rework for them, they only had partial drawings without revisions. Saved by the old "communication", nothing like a face to face to discuss work to be done. What it means to me, if I am listening. Life gets so crazy sometimes, there is no substitute for just talking, taking just a little time, communicating the old fashion way, making sure the t's are crossed. What seems to be the speed of light can be still in an instance, refocus on what's worked, thank you Lord for speaking loudly when chaos is all around!
Seems to me in hind sight, if better communication took more of a priority in all aspects of me life, I would have a whole lot less misunderstanding with fewer mistakes. In the end, I would have more time....funny how it works!
Summer vacation....
What did I do on summer vacation? Well my family is up in New Hampshire enjoying time with family, so I look forward to my time here, big plans..... Well idle time is not really me so I think I will add some in my life. Dig out that video game console, enjoy Tour de France, rest, swim, sun & really be free to be on my own schedule.
Well the video games came out 10 minutes later put back where they were, I realized I am not of this generation, I do not possess the skills to handle such pressure...saving the world! Where I fall short fortunately Jesus has already done this! On to the next, well after a nap! Somehow the lawn still needs cutting, edging and weeding. Well I guess I will go for a swim later, now for the lawn. Walk the dogs, pull some weeds, make dinner, take out the trash. I went to more meetings this last 2 weeks than I have been to in years for one project, Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I somehow over the last week have packed more than my usual into each day, worked longer and harder, but managed to get most everything done. I have yet to swim, sun or exercise beyond my normal routine!
What have I again learned as my family is out of town....I miss them and the activity they bring into my life. It seems life is simply dull without them! I can still work 16 hour days, but the other 8 hours are not the same! Thank goodness for vacations!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Extreme Work load....
If life was not crazy enough, Extreme Makeover Home Edition is now underway here in Charlotte. Our part is overwhelming in logistics, not really just a complete and total disruption to normal daily life! To add to our work load we will need to find time to process daily expectations and filter this project through the seams....do I bite off more than you can chew!??? My loving and devoted wife could best answer this question, it is all about vision. I want to make an impact in our community through what we've been blessed with and this is what it takes to do so...then Lord grant us the strength! With people in my life that love, bless, encourage and cast this vision it will be possible, beyond shadow of a doubt. Follow the link to get a little more about the family.
What is most incredible is the service arms of this project coming together, companies raising money for this family, dedicating hours on end to this organizational process and selflessly giving. That is making a difference in Charlotte as a whole, now the endless hours of meetings and discussions are over.....we're underway! What an honor to be a part of such a great team of generous committed businesses, and none of it could take place without people -the heart, soul and vision.
Pastor Steven Furtick lit a fire in my soul over 2 years ago, the fire I already possessed, just needed a catalyst. Thanks, I will never be the same....."Vision is nothing without the effort to obtain at the goal." I pray the "Sun Stand Still" in the lives of everyone involved especially the family that has made this all possible.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
A.D.D. shopping....
My instructions were, "if you go to the grocery store, spend $40 so we qualify for the give away." Well I guess that's all I needed to know, heading in to the store I am thinking "what do I need?" $40 seems a stretch going in, so here goes A.D.D. shopping at it's best. Love those Sesame Melba's so let's buy them out, package of hot dogs & rolls, chipolte mustard, rosemary why not, can never have too much of this fine herb. Well that's not going to cover it, what about filet, yeah this will burn another $20. OK still under so now onto things I need at the shop toothpaste and deodorant, this ought to do it, yes! Low and behold, I need refills for my razor. Little did I know I could have just gotten 8 replacement cartridges and spent the $40! How can they even call this a disposable razor when you have to finance the purchase of cartridges?
Job done! A man's way to shop, all the necessities..breads, proteins, condiments, beauty products. What category do hot dogs fall under? Well I have got everything I need for the rest of the week without my family! Not only going to eat, I'll smell good too!
And yes, we now own the air mattress...the whole reason for the trip! It only cost us $66.00 and I think I saved $2.00, when he asked if I had coupons, I responded as a man....I laughed!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Let's pull together....
Today's quandary, how do you get production of 12 out of 8 men? With the temperature rising in the shop, work backing up and production down, how do you get an increase in productivity?
Truly a dilemma, I am stuck with this on my mind. I have spoken with 2 valued leaders in my life about this situation, it seems as I have individuals who find the need to drag fans to every work station with them, even if they are there for 5 minutes.
The suggestions are more moral and team building, very valid points. I have events scheduled in the next 2 weeks to take some time for these, yet we have to get there first. I can not seem to overcome the fact that I am bending to make concessions rather than everyone pulling together. It appears that like minded goals and discipline are the stumbling blocks. I am allowing others to place considerable responsibility on me. External forces, internal personnel, critical time lines and responsibilities have me questioning "what's it going to take?"
Refocus, revise strategies, turn the music up and put your head down...communicate the goals, vision and expectations. Reward the efforts of the team pulling together, pulling up the boot straps and digging in. What's this look like? I am not sure but communication needs to lead the way, articulating as my bride suggested "our success in directly driven by our working together, we will succeed only if every part of the body is working in unison with the others. Their understanding of allowing me to do what I need to do will in return make their jobs more efficient and efforts more rewarding."
Digging in and not giving up, this is where the progress and commitment will be measured, we have a job to do. A "can do" attitude and victory will be the only way to overcome the hurdles of productivity.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You reach a time in your life where you've passed certain milestone and others still approaching. Well, yesterday was a biggy! Sandra handed me some mail that came for me to open, I choose not to believe I am ready for this one. On the outside of the envelope read "AARP," she laughed!
Ouch to this one, do you know what it means? Yes, I guess the best description is I now can show up to a restaurant at 4:00 p.m. for dinner, stroll the mall with knee socks and "walking shoes," legally tell a youngster to pull up those britches among many other features!
Truth is I have a couple of years to officially qualify, perhaps it takes a little while to get my papers organized, but this one is coming up on the horizon. In return, payback for her as she is just months behind me in the years! My initial response, ignore and deny. The next, dang I look good for my age! Though me bones, joint and back ache everyday I am officially maturing. I'll take it over where I once was and where I have been! Life is good even if they gray shows more and people are officially recognizing me as a pre-senior! I think I'll take a nap, why? Because I can!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Extreme Makeover Home Edition
We begin filming next week for the program, it is exciting to be a part of this project. As a business to be a part of effecting the lives of those in our community, personally to experience the community coming together to serve. This is what community is all about, to be sitting in on these planning meetings, close to 30 businesses donating time, talents and treasure. Not one person whining about the schedule or amount of work involved. This is a mass of co-ordination and planning, hard to believe it will all come together in such a short period of time. This is all coming at a time when organization is my next battle of attack, this will require all I have in organizational skills. The conditions, 106 hrs. to build this home, a 24/7 operation with hundreds of people working together at the same time rain or shine. EMHE has done over 110 projects like this one, so it can be done! Watch the progress here on the local website. Volunteer on the same website just follow the link to volunteer page. I am excited, Perry Noble's message from the "One Prayer" series keeps ringing in my ears....the crowd in anticipation meeting the crowd in mourning, this is gonna be great!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Dis-organization is my nemesis, my arch rival. It dawned on me yesterday, just how much I struggle with this in my work life. I get so busy it always seems to be keeping all the balls in the air. So this tags onto the last post of trusting in others. I spend so much time trying to revise my load to prioritize the efforts, which is the most pressing, this often leads me to struggle with releasing control. The sense of urgency seems to diminish when I allow others to take control of certain aspects for me, or the importance of details and timeline.
My struggle manifests itself in ineffectiveness, simply losing ground rather than moving forward, while focusing on the present, refocus is needed keeping the other ball aloft. Rather than having employees take control and push things along which allows me to focus on management that needs to be done, I am pulled away to move them along.
What do I need to do?
Let go and let God....now that I recognize my shortcomings, do something about them. Do not live paralyzed by mediocrity, be accelerated in His Power.
Friday, July 18, 2008
trusting in others...
There's a point in business you have to trust and count on others, business has grown and turning the control over has to be transitioned to the team. For me I have found this to be truly a difficult time, more than I'd like to admit. A multi-staged process, especially when you have "clock puncher's." Identifying leaders is a complex when responsibility is not a priority with your choices. I have possessed the characteristics of an entrepreneur probably all my life, whether I have worked for others or myself. I have an inherent sense of duty and honor for all that I do. The phrase "and then some" was introduced to me yesterday, describing my personality. An accurate description of my personality. Having some 50+ employees over the years, through our doors only a small percentage have possessed these characteristics, so really I can throw up my hands and say "I give up, I have no leaders." I can not accept this attitude, I realize the process must take place by building others, I have work to do.
1. Simply clearly place responsibility on them with careful articulation
2. Communicate the expectations, needs and deadlines
3. Trust in their abilities
4. Continue the process and revise strategies as needed
5. Build upon the failures, learning and encouraging
6. Believe in them, in the process and acknowledge all victories
7. Stop expecting them to step up, build them up give them the opportunity....
In life I have found other's do not always have the drive without initiative, it's is not enough to set the example, I have to build and continue to invest in them.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Creative process....
I have a lot to learn about the process of creativity. Here's the typical situation, someone comes to me to design and harness their ideas. Much of the description is ambiguous, it's a box, it needs life and energy. How do you use this piece, place or area? In other words what is the best function of this to serve the needs? Often someone will place a value on this, a net budget on the creative process or this is the direction. This is an alarm that sounds as the box is expected be upfit within those parameters. When I am excited about the vision or concept, it is easier, you become more invested in the process. It is far easier to push the walls on the details, challenging people to redirect their ideas, even if the budget is a concern. If the box and budget are less than exciting I much prefer someone else's design as it is just routine.
When people do not place conditions on the transformation it is easier to allow the process to grow and take wings, not limiting the power of the process. Change can take place despite the investment, but when the investment takes priority over the transformation the power of change is restricted, constrained.
Am I giving my best from a matter of routine or investing in the process by giving my all?
Monday, July 14, 2008
I had a parrot (Caesar) for years who could judge my singing abilities, he used to stand at his perch and sing along with me to songs. He would bob and dart his head around while whaling out a tune. When things went bad with my sing along he would spread his wings and shriek! Truth be told most songs rapidly after the first note possessed this characteristic, where my ability to carry a tune took a distinct turn, no such thing as harmonizing for me!
One of the measures for me on a Sunday of a great worship service is the fact of my prayers for apology! The apologies are for those around me for my singing, inevitably a distraction to their worship experience! Yesterday was one of those days I found myself singing at the top of my lungs through 4 services, only to hear Caesar shrieking in my head! So to those around me... "Sorry!," but a joyful song unto the Lord! Can't argue that, perhaps this is my version of speaking in tongues!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
one question....
I had someone ask the other night a question, it is simply hard for me to answer. Scripture is rich in context, simply states "He has lived and died for us." The question was "I have been forgiven, my wife has forgiven me, why can't I forgive myself?" I think it is a matter of truth, faith and acceptance. The truth is Jesus came to earth, died on a Cross and rose from the Grave. It clearly is not one component without the others, if your faith is in Him. Agape love is all about the unexplainable love Christ has for His People, to be flooded with Grace, accepted for who I am despite what I've done. That gives me chills, just to think this is for me.
There's the answer...if I know the truth, believe in that Truth, acceptance will come with building myself in Him. This is where seeking Him requires change, action and discipline to believe bigger than myself. Satan is always going to try and steal the peace Christ delivers, questioning why you can not forgive yourself is not letting the Power flow, receiving this Power is the answer.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
You can have it, I do not like it, here's how I learned my distaste for this crustacean. I was away with my father many years ago, at friends of his. I was told we would be having lobster for dinner, with the narrow mind I then possessed, I already knew I would not like it. However, as we sat for dinner that night, it was presented to me...why would anyone want to work that hard for food? I tried it without butter, with butter, with some sauce....net result it was awful to me. I did not last too long before all I had eaten returned to the dinner table! Yes, that's right I raced from the table to witness "Larry the lobster's revenge" for those old enough to remember the sketch from SNL!
Now my take away from this was my violent reaction to lobster, the shame and embarrassment to myself and my father. Utterly humiliated, wishing I was never there and it never happened, this experience has always shaped my distaste for lobster, as it should. Well not really, what I really took away later in life was the contributing factor may have been my actions before sitting at this table, like the case of beer I consumed prior to dinner! I guess you could say I was so opposed to lobster, so focused on my predetermined distaste it became easy to forget the real problem the prevailing behavior all around me. What other prejudices are in my life that enable me to overlook the problem?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of traveling with Pastor to another church as he shared a message for them. The chuckle of the day was as the posse was assembling to support Pastor Furtick, I kept getting phone calls and text messages asking how will we find you guys! You would know if you were there! What was so incredible about this experience was to participate in their worship, the Holy Spirit was present, the message was clear and received.... The clarity in my mind was things can be so different from place to place, but as I have heard, "those are preferences..", it is about Him, the message, one unified body of Christ, cast all of those other things aside and seek Him. We all have work to do for His Glory, it is easy to pick things apart and separate ourselves in some way, does this make us effective for His Glory?
I was deeply affected by the facts, "...for those far from God to be filled with life in Christ." That is our mission, I am not who I am because of one church, one Pastor or one way of Worship. What would I do if I did not have this Pastor, this church or this worship? It is true that many churches or Pastor's have not spoken to me, these are really conveniences, I need to spend more time seeking Him.
I am who I am because of "the One who died for me."
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Shame, guilt....
I have found in my life shame and guilt kept me from the grasp of Grace. It holds me back from what I can be in Him, living in the shackles of sin. As I have sat and listened to 2 hearts bleed in the last 2 days, burdened by the past I again have realized how paralyzing these blinders can be. They stand in the way, burden our day bound by the past. Shame and guilt tell us we are not worthy, that He may have died for you...but not me.
The Casting Crowns song "Set me free..."
Do you want to be free?
Lift your chains I hold the key
All power on Heav'n and Earth belong to me
Do you want to be free?
Lift your chains I hold the key
All power on Heav'n and Earth belong to me
You are free You are free You are free
My speed skating coach used to tell us, "you will never win the race if you see someone's a** in front of you." I have to believe, live and breath victory... The victory has been won, He is Risen there is nothing His love, power and grace can not overcome. I just have to let go, let Him have all of me, His light will shine. He has ransomed me...I live in His victory.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ok, I have realized sometimes I am so distracted, which means really not living in reality, an example, I often see a police officer at the bridge of 51 & 74. Not always there, but all too often I find myself no matter what my resolve to coming upon it to see the unexpected-expected. See my resolve is before I approach to check my speed, typically not traveling over the speed limit, never the less I want to check myself. Instead of my preparedness, I am suddenly awakened to the reality, I then have to take defensive actions.
The tangible application for me is to know it is out there, my best defense is to prepare for battle, not to be taken by surprise. Typically if I am suddenly thrust in the battle, if you will, it requires a defensive response, limiting my resources. When living in the now it allows me to take offensive actions giving me greater tools to take action. I make adjustments prior to the lurker appearing. It is not about avoiding, it is more about my preparedness, an offensive response to my faith, my battles are lessened simply by being on the offensive, living in the moment....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Prayer for friends...
Perspective is a revolutionary response, I usually have to be shown in order to receive real perspective to where I am. I often am so wrapped up in my world I overlook the true goodness of God. A step back to see how God works around me.....
Two things happened recently, the first our worship pastor Wade Joye and his wife Ferris delivered in emergency c-section twin babies. Life has been stressful for them through all of this, they are not fading from their faith, but being drawn closer to Him. The journey continues for their family as they are facing a difficult beginning. My perspective is not only drawn to how good I have it, more what can I do in response to their need. Prayer, support, friendship and service to them. God is opening an opportunity to be here for them, to witness His power. Their lives will be transformed through His grace and our prayers.
Second, Sunday I had the honor to witness Christ's blessings on young men and women heading to Brazil on a mission trip. The Charlotte Eagles high school and college teams were heading out to witness for Him, they stopped at Elevation before heading to the airport. These are young people leaving the comforts of home to serve the kingdom. It was all I could do to serve them while holding back the joy I felt in my heart for their willingness to be a part of God's movement. I was most blessed by their response to our serving them in this capacity, to actually witness how God moves in the little things and makes them BIG. Pastor's messages from the series "Small is the new Big" really disclosed how brick by brick God can make the small beginnings Big.
One of Pastor's phrases used was "Give God something to work with....." I can see it all around me, I am yours to work with...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Cherokee Warrior...
I was sitting at my desk the other day and occassionally hearing this strange sound. I looked around to see if I could see anything and nothing. I guess it is part of the song I am listening to, or outside. I hear it again, look around, nothing...Eiry, I know I heard something, there it goes again. Nothing, "where is that coming from?" It is like I am being watched, hunted perhaps. The sound is familiar, I identify it in my head...unpredictable in it's behavior. I am going to find it, hunt this thing down and battle this wild animal, as I know it is near me or I am going crazy! It has no place here, there it goes again.... The hunted becoming the hunter, with pin point accuracy I trace it's location calling on my native American instinct like GPS tracking.
Warm, warmer, hot, there stands the beast tangled in a web of plastic. Chills runs down my spine as I confront this baron of the air. The victor stands over its prey, as I look down to see it with it's cold dark eyes, slightly inflating itself in self defense. A rush of adrenaline shoots through my veins, I am going to wrangle this creature, weary of it's unpredictable nature, again the "Cherokee" in me comes out. I start this native dance encircling and disorienting the beast, it has worked as it seems confused by watching this idiot above it!
One fell swoosh I hone in to make my move. Wings flapping, feathers flying with venomous attack on it's mind, I have captured the intruder, "Ha, I've got you, I replied! Now who's in control little birdy?" My thoughts suddenly change, "hey, little birdy how'd you get in here? Don't worry I am just bringing you back outside, I'll let you go. Where's your mommy?" I am suddenly Dr. Doolittle, the good one, not the Eddie Murphy one! As I release the 6 inch beast back into the wild, my thoughts are drawn to one thing, besides the sense of winning this battle, "I hope no one saw that!"
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
caught on...
It's funny when I get an email and you notice misspellings, especially when you revere the writer! It makes them human, subject to improvement and in some way humors me. What have I discovered in this process, it happens to me....I have been spelling tomorrow with 2 m's for years now! Self discovery also humors me, spell check always seems to catch it but I guess I have blocked it out mentally, never noticing the prompt to change. Not no more!
You try to spend time to clearly articulate and what happens, you miss the little things. Spiritual implication, don't read too deeply into the writing or I may miss the very things I need to correct. Allow others room to change and they will perhaps extend the same grace.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lord, I have come to understand that my heart is deceitful above all things (Jer 17:9) Please let me recognize ways my heart and my feelings are deceiving me. Standing on the heels of His victory in my life I can see how unreliable I can be to Him left to my own devices, my thoughts and my heart. Soul searching is exactly that, willing to recognize that which I must change to walk in Him.
Take it in stages, total submission to Him is to seek His righteousness, action must take place or I have only found epiphany (A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization). The change that transpires due to an epiphany is the measure of freedom, release from the bondage of self. Enlightenment is but a beginning, transformation is the reality of His power in my life. What He can do through me when I respond to His truth.
Friday, June 13, 2008
death to wants...
This stinks, I have been in this funk, just beaten down, worn out and struggling emotionally. What's the cause? Wants, wants, wants.....You see I had an idea, I initiated energy, I invested emotionally and I wished to will my way! That is not to say the 100 degree temperature in the shop does not take a toll, but the emotional funk is due to no less than my will. This is just following through from the post "sabotage" from a couple days ago.
Self discovery is a blessing, but why am I usually the last to see it? I used to dislike it, that was because I still wanted something to hold on to, to have my way or simply control. Prayerful consideration of who's the "pilot" here, humbles me to seek Him, the only true answer. If I believe in His devine plan...it requires me to seek, release, trust and rest in Him. You go, God!
I chalk this victory in your court and thank you for it. You may just need to remind me! You have to admit I am getting better! God knows where I have been, He knows where I am going and best of all He knows what I'm looking for........
Whitesnake's "Here I go again" lyrics are running through my head! Gotta love that hair.... "oh, Lord I pray you give me the strength to carry on...I'm just another heart in the need of rescue.."
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What do you get when you are required to think for others? Typically for me a wall, so I have to continue to revise my understanding and not stop my thought process...challenge coming! I often shake my head asking, "why am I having to explain or answer this again?"
Often the communication is lost somewhere along the line, something left out, over looked or misinterpreted. This is about empowering others, it requires their attention to the task, willingness to receive what they are able to perceive........
The perception is what I must translate, am I able to articulate this vision?
The receiver must be willing to receive the vision to be empowered.
It is rewarding and frustrating at the same time. The reward is when they ask, possess ability to "problem solve." To be able to think in front of them, the fruition of a vision. The frustration is why can I not cast the vision and they perceive what they receive?
I think the answer is not thinking for others, but preparing others through better understanding of the ability to perceive... What this means to me spiritually, a better understanding of fundamentals...I must perceive their potentials and build accordingly, in Him.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
As I was driving along the other day, I looked back in my mirror and realized my vision was obscured. As we are very busy here and potentially overloaded if I am not careful, suddenly realized how much there is to do. I have been focused on my spiritual growth, feeling as though I am doing what needs to be done, priorities properly submitted to Him, I have found myself in the midst of obsession. I have grabbed hold of a thought and not been able to let go of it, I have taken ownership regardless of the timing, discipline or God's plan. 2 Corinthians "...we take captive every thought to make it obedience to Christ."
While I have been doing what needs to be done, I have been blindsided, recklessly endangering my walk. Total sabotaged of submission, self will run rampant...."let me keep this one, it's not doing any harm." You get some measure of freedom in your life, I realize there are no ripples in the water, next thing you know I have gotten in the way. See it just started with one thought and not submitting to Him, keeping it captive and next thing you know I am hauling a load, pulling a trailer loaded with distraction!
Lesson learned, He heard me the first time, now I have to allow Him to have all things complete not holding back. Left to my own devices I think I can make the right choices and select what I give to Him, suddenly burdened in excess. Waiting on Him is not easy, I am in trouble if God is my co-pilot, perhaps it is time to let Him take the wheel...