Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random thoughts....

1. During a week of intensive effort, Starbucks is the best solution for me to keep pace! Red Bull has nothing on 8 shots on ice!
2. Wade & Ferris are remarkable inspirations of Faith!
3. Can't help but to think this EMHE is what it is like for staff every time there is a big event about to happen at Elevation Church! My hat is off to staff it probably is a fair comparison!
4. Best of all, Sandra and the girls returned from summer vacation in New Hampshire!
Talk about vision, a sight for sore eyes!
5. Did you know if you are talking to someone who may be classified as OCD, if you stare at their forehead, they will continue to adjust their hair! Sorry John, it was an experiment, it worked! Besides it was amusing for me!
6. If today works out as planned, somewhere in the middle I will be blessed to have lunch with an incredible voice in my life, who has ignited a fire in my heart that is burning out of control! Before and after shove & cram 18 hours of work into my day as quickly as I can and return to my wife's loving arms! God Rocks!
7. Airports suck, but when your family is returning from vacation, they are not half bad!
8. Built stuff for Sunday by Wednesday, proving communication can make more time in life! Being empowered rather than entangled, that's my goal!
9. Why is it some people can not even take constructive criticism? They are affected or infected for days! Is this a cancer in an organization?
10. Kiss my wife and let her know how important she is, there's never too much of that!