Monday, October 20, 2008

Extreme Makeover - lesson learned!

What do you get when you await the premiere of something you've poured heart and soul tirelessly? Rally vendors together with the opportunity to get involved, donate to making it possible? To find they all rise to the occasion, give without expectations or complaint. Asking no questions other than "what else do you need?" Excitement is all around you as family & friends generate energy and vibe. A crescendo of publicity takes great interest in the story, behind the scenes and the process of involvement. You eagerly serve, anticipating reward of recognition. Thoughts begin to be for my praise not His.....
"Your heart beat is for truth, glory and praise to the Lord."
What do you get?....... An opportunity to be reminded of that truth!
Reminded of that very fact it is not for the King family, it is for the KING and His family. To be able to step back and see you have served Him in a mighty way, becoming a connector to the Power. I was reminded of why I do, why I serve and in whom I serve.....
I never expected to be shown on TV, somehow had expected more for what we had done. The lesson here is that I serve the Lord with my time, talent and treasure. He is in charge of how it is used to Glorify Him. Reminds me of LB's post "Addicted to being the hero...."
Lord, I thank you for reminding me of the Master I lovingly Him I have new life.