Monday, June 30, 2008


Yesterday, I had the pleasure of traveling with Pastor to another church as he shared a message for them. The chuckle of the day was as the posse was assembling to support Pastor Furtick, I kept getting phone calls and text messages asking how will we find you guys! You would know if you were there! What was so incredible about this experience was to participate in their worship, the Holy Spirit was present, the message was clear and received.... The clarity in my mind was things can be so different from place to place, but as I have heard, "those are preferences..", it is about Him, the message, one unified body of Christ, cast all of those other things aside and seek Him. We all have work to do for His Glory, it is easy to pick things apart and separate ourselves in some way, does this make us effective for His Glory?
I was deeply affected by the facts, "...for those far from God to be filled with life in Christ." That is our mission, I am not who I am because of one church, one Pastor or one way of Worship. What would I do if I did not have this Pastor, this church or this worship? It is true that many churches or Pastor's have not spoken to me, these are really conveniences, I need to spend more time seeking Him.

I am who I am because of "the One who died for me."