Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Start Smart

Hanging on yesterdays blog, I guess it's a good place to start! Mine is to enter what I type, as a reader your is to try to peice it together, good luck. Ok, I think perhaps all of the work analogies are really just an example for life. As so much of who I am is the same in life, professionally or at play. It just seems I see my shortcomings more clearly at work, they become more exposed daily than at home. Though I know my wife, Sandra, knows of them more than any other human, and loves me anyway. I must be challenged to find success in life. I must be exposed for who I am, thus the challenge. "Disfunctional families do not just give us defective software for dealing with life; they can traumatize and scar our souls." (Pure Desire by Ted Roberts) Somewhere in there must be the answer. Wow, am I really willing to get into that stuff here? Probably not, delving too deep into that without real interspection would do me no real good. I will offer this thought, I have always been in for the flash and fade like fireworks. Another way to think of it may be, short term relief for the long term problem. If I was to give up where I am to act out in an appropriate manner. See I have always given up on the promise somewhere along the process, check out Pastor Furtick's message in week 4 ( of the "Made"series. Awesome insight for me, he spoke of God having us on a journey (process) and never give up until God fulfills His promise, the payoff. This is why I am writing this, He is molding and shaping me to be a better man, the man He has meant me to be. So all of the moments in time leading up to this time, continuing to play out. So the scars and bruises from my youth and to date, play a part of whom I am becoming in Him. See now I can see the future, in that I see He has a promise, the process is the point, it is where greatness is shaped. The promise is the reward, it is whom I become throughout the process. So start smart, I must first find direction, for me God's Word. If I start with my focus upon Him, I can begin to see the "Broken Windows" (Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell) promise. Start with the small things and build a city from there. I have to say this plays out from a blog of a spiritual leader in my life ( and a message Pastor spoke to a couple of us fortunate men explaining this more clearly. I never set out thinking a blog was for me, yet profoundly I am finding myself thinking more about "things," now I have begun to start smart. I must purge ahead with the same tanastity and finish strong. Isn't life all about the change along the way? Learning lessons, from others and from that process more clearly understanding humility. Perhaps, that's where I need to start.......................