"The teacher is always silent during the test..."
"God's past performance always predicates His future ability..."
"Is my integrity worth suffering for?"
Psalm 23. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil... In classic style Pastor highlighted that we are walking through the valley. We might be in the valley today, but God's intention is to take us through it. If it's because of sin or disobedience then repent. If not, then Receive, Remember and Respond and know that no matter how deep your dip is the same God that lead you into it has every intention of leading you through it and on the back side of any valley is always another mountain top!
Hey, John thanks for the perspectives......
Friday, October 31, 2008
things to remember....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I've got to change....
I am so used to comfort, that often I am scared to fail, it is almost frightening to think I am not willing to leverage everything for Him. The truth is I am in my box, I am comfortable inside that box. Now it is time to develop other skills that exist inside my box and allow them to be called out. I have to start pushing the walls from the inside to expand the area of my box. We live within the reality of our "box." The inspiring part of "thinking inside the box," it is all about the new horizon of my reality. Let me set this up, this was stated to me just yesterday "when life is spoken into someone, God's vision will not fit into the framework of that person." It is in there, so mine is not to focus on the fact that I do not do something well, but how do I do this well? This does not mean I will be gifted at everything I do, nor will I be good at all things, it means I am willing to be what He wants me to be, challenged to disregard my comfort zone. It means my capacity will grow when I push past the point of failure!
Then I read this "The key is learning to peel the onion, stripping away the layers of thinking that don't really add anything." I think it is a perception deal all this time I am focused on what I believe my skills set is, not what He is developing within me.
Monday, October 27, 2008
growing older takes new meanings.....
Now as I have grown older "recess" has added a couple extra pounds of burden. I just could not get my butt out of the seat before I heard "recess...ion!" If I had only been quicker! That stinks, not this again! Makes me wish I had my fingers in my ears, saying "na, na I can't hear you!" Could be a good number of these at a parking lot near you, remember the days this may have been an adventure?.....not a reality.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Painful pruning....
Here's an analogy I heard years ago. See there's this dented, dirty trashcan. You take it and pop the dents out, Clean it, polish it, but notice it stinks so you place it back outside. As you lift it the bottom falls out, you are left with this huge mess, that stinks! I am better off dented and dirty, but cleaned on the inside, the only way to change for me is life in Christ.
Let us try this one, Pastor Steven referenced Nehemiah 2:17-18 God lifts big burdens when we take small steps, start by rebuilding the walls.
Seems I am primed and ready for the "Real Change Campaign...."
Sandra, I love you, you prove what the covenant of marriage really means. Thanks for believing in me. most of all thanks for praying for me!
Monday, October 20, 2008
These guys bring it....
Ok, check out these 2 guys and some incredible percussionists, like Elevation's very own Ge-off. Swift Johnson from "Revolution" and our very own Chris Brown. For you older readers this is Kanye West music, not pronounced Ki-ann (like the pepper) but Con-ye'! Thanks to Swift & Chris for not laughing at me when I said that! Sometimes I show my age way too often, however I would like to share tidbit of information, Kanye had a CD titled "College Dropout." Immediately I could identify with him, but who gets the cred him or me?!?!
Extreme Makeover - lesson learned!
What do you get when you await the premiere of something you've poured heart and soul tirelessly? Rally vendors together with the opportunity to get involved, donate to making it possible? To find they all rise to the occasion, give without expectations or complaint. Asking no questions other than "what else do you need?" Excitement is all around you as family & friends generate energy and vibe. A crescendo of publicity takes great interest in the story, behind the scenes and the process of involvement. You eagerly serve, anticipating reward of recognition. Thoughts begin to be for my praise not His.....
"Your heart beat is for truth, glory and praise to the Lord."
What do you get?....... An opportunity to be reminded of that truth!
Reminded of that very fact it is not for the King family, it is for the KING and His family. To be able to step back and see you have served Him in a mighty way, becoming a connector to the Power. I was reminded of why I do, why I serve and in whom I serve.....
I never expected to be shown on TV, somehow had expected more for what we had done. The lesson here is that I serve the Lord with my time, talent and treasure. He is in charge of how it is used to Glorify Him. Reminds me of LB's post "Addicted to being the hero...."
Lord, I thank you for reminding me of the Master I lovingly serve....in Him I have new life.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Home improvement.....
What gets me most is the web of twine binding it all together, seems to be holding tight, must have been a boyscout! Clearly distracted by the amount of work that needed to be done. This is too much like a Gary Larson cartoon, in real life, what irony! Everyone knows one of life's rules, "know someone with a truck!" Reminds me of the old saying "hire a teenager while they still know everything!" The truth is I have faced many things, situations in life when all I had to do was ask for help. Hindsight, seeing this I laughed and I cried! So what came first the chicken or the egg?
Date night...
Well it's date night, there are few things I look forward to more than a night out with Sandra. I'm looking forward to getting through the day, my day could not have been set up any better. Meeting with LB this morning, then lunch with a Visionary, it will not be long after that I 'll be out with my bride. I would like to thank Elevation , as every married couple received a coupon for dinner at their choice of 12 restaurants, an extremely generous gift. What an opportunity along with reimbursement for childcare, no excuses.
We do this really well and should be doing this more often. In this season of life we find it more difficult to do, many activities and obstacles. This is something we have always enjoyed, we really like to be out together, enjoy the same things and have similar interests. For us, dinner out is some time well spent! This is one of our favorite activities "eating" we do not need anything else to pass the time, it's simple.
In light of this sermon series "VLDS," I thought I would post this picture to offer a little romance in preparation of tonight! You talk about fun, this guy looks like quite a romantic and provider! Clearly he's a man's man, being a Jr. fan and dressed for success. The only thing missing is the "business on top, party in the back" mullet. This guy is truly packing "six pack abs" and the "boyscout type"always prepared carring a "spare tire!" Probably under the fitness regiment of Buck. Can you hear Barry White laying a track in the background? Like "I'm Gonna Love You Just A Little Bit More Baby!" or do you hear Jerry Jeff Walker's "Up Against The Wall, Redneck Mother!"
Monday, October 13, 2008
pull up those britches.....
Yes, I can not deny the fact I am becoming the old man in the crowd. The one I used to make fun of, the crotchety one who starts sentences with things like "when I was you age....!" or "I just don't understand young people today...!"
I was standing outside my local "nectar of the God's" store the other day. Watching a kid get out of his car. He took what easily was 3 minutes to adjust himself to make just the right statement, his interpretation! He stood up to adjust the hat with just enough twist to shout "I'm a punk!" (my interpretation). Pulled at his pants, wiggling, writhing adjusting himself just right, tugging, yanking and pleating to get those pants at the proper height across his butt. You all know what I am talking about, you've asked yourself the same question!
Only then was he able to move forward, his left arm swinging and right hand grasping at his mid-section to hold his pants from falling all the way to his ankles.
Moments ago his pants were cinched up at his waist, where they would not have dropped! What sense does this make? I kept my mouth shut but really wanted to suggest he just pull them up. Just then I remembered how I must have looked in those holey jeans I used to wear back in the 80's.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
When traveling....
Here are a couple of things I like to know when traveling, before leaving!
1. If this is going to be gone over a Sunday, where can we go to church, hear a dynamic message from and incredible visionary and communicator like Pastor? Finding the church is rarely an issue, everything after that is difficult. The last couple of vacations we've taken our return is Saturday so we do not even have to cross that bridge! It has come to the point where the girls ask to be back for church on Sunday, 'nuff said!
2. If traveling with my wife, how many pairs of shoes will this trip require? You have to understand that children are a product of their environment, so if it is a 5 pair trip automatically it will now be 15 pair to bring. That is a whole 'notha suitcase!
3. Is there a Starbucks?
4. Directions to 'git there, no need I am a guy!
Depending on the trip not always in that order!
Now what's the best way to travel taking all this into consideration?
Travel with the Church, today's the day we are heading to Atlanta for Catalyst Conference. No doubt about 100 others from our church will know where the closest Starbucks is on our way to the conference to hear some incredible church leaders speak, one notable would be the aforementioned Pastor Furtick! Hold on tight, this is going to be what it is like to attend Elevation Church in the near future, he'll be preaching to about 12,000!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
the ultimate slacker therapy...
Ok, I have just recieved a delivery for a client that may just beat every other excess this year. I was told this would come directly to us from a vendor so we could build appropriate storage. I mean we are in and out of 10,000+ square foot homes on a regular basis, they are often filled with excess, not to mention the size alone. Not for me to judge, honestly the larger the more cabinetry and furniture we can build for them.
This was a pool ball set most would assume 16 balls total....no what's 32 x 7? Because LaHu may not be reading this to post the answer (little crasian joke, ha, ha!) 32 NFL teams are represented with 7 balls for each team, 10 different 8 balls and 6 "special edition cue balls!" That is 242 flippin balls. It appears the entire NFL season could potentially be played out in one weekend! It this some sort of fantasy football? A new trend that is spreading the nation? You can in theory pit any team up against any other. You could even take an "All Star" team pit them against...say the Cowboys and beat the snot out of them! I was told he may even be getting the NCAA sets as well. I just do not have enough time in my life! Oh, what I am missing!
I guess it all goes well with the 5 plasma TV's in this room, smallest of which is 40". Let's also include the 300+ football helmets that will dorm the display shelves around the room. You'd think this was a football player's house right! Wrong!
And I guess for the women..."at least it is not video games!"
Ah, yes America, no better place.........leading the way in practical!
And yes, not widely known fact, sometimes the "Barcode" font makes me feel smart!
Friday, October 3, 2008
what's that smell?
Driving the other day I keep smelling something in the distance, not like the smell of summer rain on hot asphalt, not the smell of popcorn or crackers near the Lance factory. No this was different, slightly intoxicating actually. By that I mean overwhelming, I tried but could not quite identify the smell. Again I smell this overwhelming fragrance, "where for art thou?" Just then I realized it was from the vehicle in front of me. Driving an average of 45 mph, I could smell this from approximately 2 car lengths. Every time we got to a traffic light it was totally enveloping, so much fragrance that my nose seemed to have been burned.
My question is, how much air freshener does it take to pass your gas to other vehicles on the road while driving 45 mph? I mean what would it have been like to have sat in that vehicle?
You talk about vehicle emissions, this was a black ball of green house gas.
I am not sure what he's trying to cover up, I do have a suggestion.... "close your windows, you're killing the rest of us!"
It was a little like walking by that person who is wearing polyester that has not been dry cleaned, well worn and freshened only by some perfume or cologne! A conflict for the nose, just as you catch a whiff, you gasp for relief.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
the fascade....
I received a voicemail last night from an employee, "I may not make it in tomorrow, my mom died, I'll call you in the morning." This floored me, as it was such an a matter of fact statement void of any emotion, monotone and stoic.
Immediately, I am drawn to my own relationships and the inevitable future. I do not know if you would categorize my relationship with my father as estranged, but I would. Virtually have no contact with him, our youngest daughter has never met him and I can not remember the last time I spoke to him.
I stumble through my responsibility in this often, haunted by the possibility of being hurt again. I am 44 years old and still suffer from the lack of a father figure, really his approval. I have always felt as I have not met or lived up to expectations. Amazing to me all I have been blessed with how much I have grown, yet in some way, shape and form I am effected by this relationship.
I ask myself if this "void of emotion" response would be mine if I was leaving this message for someone else. If the answer is yes, what do I need to change in light of what I have learned walking with Him?
When I spoke with this employee this morning he was clearly broken and distraught. Weeping, he told me what was going on and what happened. By no means am I exploiting this conversation, it however reminds me life is short. Bottom line this relationship is disabled because of the lack of communication, not communicating can destroy any relationship. Especially my relationship with the Lord, if I am not investing, embracing and participating I could end up with the same relationships in my life as my father.
I think Christ paid much too high a price for me to ignore and accept time just passing by....and He desires more from me than to just let life pass.....