Thursday, May 15, 2008

My wife....

A while back Sandra said to me, "You are my ministry," or something along those lines. This can easily be distorted in another direction! Am I that confused, that a whole ministry needs to be devoted to me? Perhaps! Probably, Yes!
Anyway, I understood the heart in which she made this's one example of how it works.

It never ceases to amaze me the places my wife meets me....Tuesday night I was excited about something that I witnessed, so I called to share the news with her. She was busy, she answered the phone and listened to my excitement. With the very same enthusiasm she responded meeting me right where I needed to be met.

It is simple, sometimes I need something and if it is met with a different response it can easily deflate the situation. The tone can be set and the emotion changed, she possesses the ability to meet me where I am. "She always seems to know...." I thank God for His provision, the loving wife who is filled with love for Him, honor for me and ability to understand the process of "becoming one" in Him.