Friday, May 30, 2008

simple honor...

Honor, I believe I am really just starting to understand, more an ability to articulate that which I am feeling. It has always been there, it now has an explanation. The Lord discloses more to me as I grow closer in my journey with Him.

I possess an inherent heart felt desire to serve, in this call to serve, I feel a sense of honor. Honor for me is inside, has little to do with what I am doing, more to do with why I do it. I am in my sweet spot, I enjoy what I do and look forward to doing it. The fact that I love what I do further harvests a sense of honor. Rather than showing up to a job each day I struggle to enjoy, I have been blessed to have found what makes me "tick." Negative energy is not distracting my efforts, sapping life from forward progress. Honor to serve allows gratitude to show through my actions and attitude. Whether it is picking up trash on the sidewalk rather than leaving it for someone else. Going that extra step to increase the value of something I am working on, more deeply investing in others, it is more a reward of service to Him.

For me one of the deepest rewards of this attitude is when someone says, "I/We trust you..." This kind of compliment is a culmination of hard work, attitude and appreciation. I receive this compliment as a commission from Him. He is disclosing clarity in the process, I understand that in which He has called me. I invest more deeply in this understanding, I become more filled with purpose...

The greatest reward I have found in this honor is when my service is sought by others. Not because they are seeking, but that I am serving.....serving Him.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

hell's gate

There was a time when I was pursuing a pilot's licence for boating. I grew up on/near water, it seemed an easy fit. A captain's licence was ok, but to succeed with a pilot's licence would mean many additional opportunities. There are a great many areas of study for this level of understanding: navigation by various means, vessel operations, hours at the "wheel", chart reading, tide & tidal study, weather, water safety, first aid, mechanical understanding and many others.... I had the fortune to transport many a vessel from summer ports to winter ports, New England to the South East Coast. Best of all providing hours at the helm, combining knowledge, experience and practical application.
None of this understanding could prepare for navigating a 63' motor yacht with a 24' beam through Hell's Gate in the Bronx. This is a navigation nightmare where the Harlem River, East River, Arthur Kill come together with the Sound. Currents and tides come together tossing the water into vortex of turbulence, as bridges and abutments obstruct & restrict the tributaries even further. The vessel was suddenly thrust into nature's grasp, the captain panicked as the vessel turned 90 degrees to the waters, twisting and turning uncontrollably towards a bridge abutment. I grabbed the controls and powered up to navigate us through this pass, at the throws of waters while keeping us from running aground. A close call, we managed to avoid taking out part of the FDR!
The lesson I learned was to never put myself in the situation of being unprepared, allowing someone else to control unknown waters in my life. "A ship is safe in the harbor, but that is not what it was built for.." This was a serious life lesson as quickly life turned. Am I prepared for these turbulent and unforeseen tidal assaults? Casual approach to serious situations quickly spin out of control, so I must continue my understanding, grow my knowledge and prepare my defense. I must dig into the Word of God, pray and seek Him, understanding He is in control. I must be prepared, life comes at you fast without the "book" knowledge with practical application I will be tossed at the mercy of the seas.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

something to work with...

When I was a child and we were heading on a trip as a family, ready for 12+ hour car ride, I could easily keep asking "are we there yet?" Sitting in the very back of our "Country Squire Wagon" facing the rear of the car missing everything as the world passed by, it never made the trip any quicker. If I was facing forward, the journey is what it is, but I was able to watch the scenery and enjoy trip.

He has big plans, "every oak tree starts as an acorn." I am showing up to life each day and finding His hand to be moving me in a direction to serve Him. I see answer to prayer, but placing conditions(preferences) on His response must be overcome. Say a parent's prayer, that their children would find Him, when one begins to move closer, for example starts going to church. The response is "I do not think that church is the right place." It's easy overlook the small beginnings and place conditions on the move of God. I often think God must laugh at the conditions I place in His move, in my limited understanding of His power.

I see God growing a part of my life, a calling He placed in me. I am excited to see this move of God. I have been surrounded by 5 other men in this area of my life, whom have been an incredible "voice" in my life. As our numbers increase, I see the attitude "pining" for what it once was, small and more intimate. We are growing, not one at a time, doubling in numbers. This is awesome, as God is using us to serve His body. Here I see 2 ways to face God, digging my heels and hands into the sand, and wishing it was what it once was. Allowing my preferences to be more important than the move of God. Or face the world exploring the opportunity to be a part of God's movement. He is going to move, with or without me, the difference, do I have sand under my finger nails?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thinkin' Big....

One thing that may never be the same in me is the way I think big. I have been spending time studying leaders, heroes, success. The personality traits that do not cast vision on limitations, are able to look beyond everyday and see a miracle. Biblically, they are disclosed throughout time, the examples are many and rich in takeaway.

What I see in the "visionary" at our church is not to settle, the vision set in place is not to draw your attention to the members of the body, what they tithe...... The focus is on people coming through the doors and saying "Wow, look what God is doing here..." That's right, the focus is on Christ, the movement of God. This may all seem semantics, I think it is more foundational. The building blocks are firmly set in stone, it is not about what the body is doing, it is about what He is doing through His body. It becomes more focused on the "supernatural" power of Christ. The vision itself is "So that people far from God will be filled with life in Christ."

Here's a tie in for me, see Biblical heroes all had one focus, vision, they had faith in God. They believed beyond the odds, limitations and their abilities in the power of God. Some faced battles knowing God would complete the vision, some reluctantly served thinking God could - so they took action. Success is built foundationally on taking action in the small things, faith developed by taking that first step......big is a culmination of my small actions, serving the supernatural through Him, He makes the small "BIG."

Friday, May 23, 2008

pickup envy....

You know I think you can tell much about someone by their car. Often it really is an extension of ourselves.(?) In some ways, whether it's clean, new, flashy, beaten up, dusty etc... I pass many a car and look to the driver, quite often surprised by the match, just shows I really know very little of the basis of my thesis! I have gotten over the wants in a vehicle, have had some nice "rides" but I am more a pickup kind of guy. I still think the Hummer is the most pretentious vehicle on the road, forget about those who drive the $100k+ vehicles they need that attention! I still see them waiting next to me at stop lights, so what if you can go 200mph, where?

I digress, I take notice more of nice pickups on the road, they can attract my attention like no other vehicle. I suffer with "pickup envy," make it a crew cab long bed and whoa, I get excited! But ultimately, one that is loaded down with stuff, hauling a trailer or somehow working, WOW that's me all over it! These guys that spit shine them, trucks never having seen a day of work is only a waste of precious metal. They are meant to be burdened by work, packed to the gills. Often I find when giving someone a ride in my truck pre-qualifying the dirt, dust and idiosyncrasies of a 14 year old work truck. Why because they do not understand. To me it is home on wheels, I feel more comfortable, it's who I am! So if you see me loaded up, kinda dented, sorta beaten and dirty know I am in my zone....."Some horses were meant to be riden!" A pickup is the "Clydesdale" of vehicles, if you got it USE IT!


I have been hearing an internal dialog since reading something Chunks wrote months ago. He was talking about communication within an organization, really it plays out throughout life. He made the statement " If I have to I have to explain myself...." Now there may be many reasons I have to explain myself, as sharing vision is difficult with unlike minded people. I know it is possible, it takes vision, articulation, ownership and conviction of purpose.

So my internal discussion takes on many facets, am I sharing what is vision in such a way for others to take ownership? Am I concise in my communications allowing others to be empowered? Am I truly able to relinquish control and allow them the freedoms to express themselves through their work? Now my vision for our business embodies creativity, service, ethics and honor. Some of which are easier to articulate, service and ethics I believe can be taught. Creativity is sketchy as it is interpretive from one mind to another, it is possible however. Honor is an attitude that I believe is ingrained into one's personality. What creates a stumbling block is honor, when giving direction and empowerment, I am typically faced with engagement prior to empowerment.....they've stopped listening and started. This may explain why one hour later they are asking the very same question I addressed in prior communication. Honor is serving in character and commitment, simply, doing what needs to be done rather than leaving for others to do.... Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Daddy's Disney

Disney the place where dreams come true, excitement happens, life's reality disappears for a moment in time. My modern day Disney is the one and only Starbucks, yes that's right. Exciting things happen at my Starbucks, say a coffee tasting at 5:30 in the morning, or shots of expresso, tasting the sweets. The most interesting "joy seekers" gather for their nectar of liquid gold. I have met a number of people that collect at this early hour of the morning, developed some friendships and share community. It's like a thrill ride, filled with joy and unexpected surprise. Who will I see today? What will we discuss? I eagerly anticipate my "Disney" every morning, the Barista's are like the Disney characters (in a good way!), will I see Pluto, Mickey or Minnie this morning. Sometimes you think you've caught a glimpse of Donald in the distance and wave furiously to get his attention, but get caught up in conversation with Jasmine! People greet you with a smile, friendly "hello's" resound. Try this place at a more regular hour, like afternoons when it's a small world. Languages of every type are heard as guests gather at tables and stools, the world unites. The prices are a little like Disney, but it does not diminish the experience, it's just a place where starting the day becomes that much more worth while.......

How much better could life be...the most wonderful wife, awesome kids, incredible church, my Starbuck's, best Barista's, God's Grace abounds......surely there will be a Starbucks in Heaven!
Romans 9:23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory—

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

another reason to dislike....

I have a 2 email addresses, primarily so when we place an ad for employees, I am not regularly barraged with useless unsolicited assistance offers. It also allows me to run right through "experience required," responders to the ad. Experience seems to mean, "my daddy's daddy worked with wood" which qualifies as experience! I have even heard, " I have not done woodworking, but I might like it." "I helped to build a deck at my friend's house...." they go on for hours, funny what experience means to some, when the posting is clear 3-5 years minimum....

Now back to this additional email address. Let's just say it comes as an added benefit to spending $200/month on business phone lines and Internet service. By the way thanks! I dislike this email so much it gets my login once a month, as when I get onto the site it requires multiple login information, yet it recognizes my primary computer. Not to mention the need to add the @w*n^, what the heck? I mean I am on the flippin' homepage, you'd think it would know I am not logging onto,,, bla, bla,'s your homepage! Maybe if this Internet thing takes off, you will keep up with others. Perhaps even make it less complicated so someone would want to use your service. Or just keep it the same and let me remember every frustration I have had in the last I log in again! I guess it is my fault as I view this as a service and not a privilege to use this account....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 I answering

Funny, I have realized the convenience of voicemail when someone does not want to answer a call, especially connected to caller id! When I was growing up, none of these features existed, now it allows complete control over my response. It got me thinking about my answer to Him, is He reaching me or my voicemail?

Am I interested in making the changes I need to make, by receiving His calls. Or do I let them roll over to voicemail, answering them when it is more convenient? I would like to say, I am open to His instruction, placing myself in complete surrender to Him. The only way for me to be whom I was intended to be is to answer those calls that I really would rather not take! I began to think of Jonah running from his call from God, hiding from God, so he thought. If I run from what I know I must do, I cause a storm around me, it effects all those around me in some way. I guess you could say throughout time, there has always been some sort of voicemail, the results from avoiding those calls will always be the same.... I can pretend or avoid those calls or just answer and ask for the strength. At some point in time, He will get my attention and I will have to answer the call....why not when it is ringing! Do I have to be swallowed and vomited from the belly of a whale?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sling shot....

Interesting opportunity to spend a couple of hours observing a client's place of business. As I perused the walls filled with an article from a local magazine, filling me in on "business philosophy," personal character and how "this person is making a difference in their community." After reading this article I could only think to myself, am I the same person others see, "what they see and who I am with the cameras off?" I do not want to seek personal glory misrepresented or edited to what I think others want to hear. Substance of character, personal and professional integrity, the ethics by which I conduct myself. I felt as though I was toe to toe with Goliath, a giant with no apparent weakness...1 Samuel 17. In this case I stood firmly knowing I have done all that needs to be done and my patience had worn through.

On the outward appearance our business philosophy was the exact same, so why am I here? See I was at this place of business because a debt has gone unpaid, correspondence unanswered. The only way for me to collect was to confront this "giant." The article on the walls seemed filled with inaccuracies, as the way in which our business had been treated. Our goal in business is to deliver beyond expectations, go above the call of duty and honor the investment. I have a mission, using what God has placed in me, the tools at which He allows us to provide service to those around us, "a man is worthy of his hire." There is no reason to cower from who we are in, all I could think of was Pastor's message containing "wysiwyg," what you see is what you get.....

Bottom line, believe in what He has called me to, have faith in what is right and He works all the details out. The ripples in life ebb and flow, the character in which I conduct myself will be rewarded in Him. Facing life as you are, without a coat of armor and He will provide the strength to slay the matter what the odds.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Personality test

This may even take the cake for absurd, as I was coming in to work, on the radio I heard about a new pet adoption process in Washington State. Now as an animal lover I respect the questions we have been asked before adoption, the interview process to clearly articulate the needs, care and responsibility of a pet. I prefer to think there are more that will love and nurture a pet, and weed out those who disregard the value of a pet. As little annoys me more than cruelty to animals.

The process of a personality test for both you and the cat, to be matched. The first question I have is how is the flippin cat going to answer these questions? No, a behaviorist studying how you rank on the questionnaire and the cat's personality. I have never really done well on testing, this scares me! What if I go through the whole process and I am not able to find the match? Sorry sir, we are unable to make a match at this time, I have been declined! Or I really liked the striped one and they match me with the hairless one? A devastating blow, I choked under pressure, where have I gone wrong?

No, I never really thought about it before but, there are certain freedoms I wish to continue to possess, "picking out the animal by the interactions we have together." The article goes on to state, "But she applauds these efforts to enlighten people about the differences among cats, which have always been less understood than dogs."

I guess I am just too simple, God knew that as I am allergic to cats!......

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My wife....

A while back Sandra said to me, "You are my ministry," or something along those lines. This can easily be distorted in another direction! Am I that confused, that a whole ministry needs to be devoted to me? Perhaps! Probably, Yes!
Anyway, I understood the heart in which she made this's one example of how it works.

It never ceases to amaze me the places my wife meets me....Tuesday night I was excited about something that I witnessed, so I called to share the news with her. She was busy, she answered the phone and listened to my excitement. With the very same enthusiasm she responded meeting me right where I needed to be met.

It is simple, sometimes I need something and if it is met with a different response it can easily deflate the situation. The tone can be set and the emotion changed, she possesses the ability to meet me where I am. "She always seems to know...." I thank God for His provision, the loving wife who is filled with love for Him, honor for me and ability to understand the process of "becoming one" in Him.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Yesterday, I almost popped as one of our lead guys made some remarks about not having drawings for a project he is working on. Well there is truth to what he was saying in point, how he was saying it annoyed me tremendously. Just after hearing Pastor share a message about honor, having honor for others, honoring the position....As I turned to walk away from him, he continued to mumble, I confronted him, asked him to repeat himself so I could hear his remarks. "If you have something to say I would appreciate the courtesy of telling me to my face."

What I have realized is I do not like the unknown, I like to know what I am up against, predictability is more favorable. Immediately, I am thrust back in time to the insecurities of childhood. It reminds me of growing up and never really knowing whether my father was serious or joking. Now I did not respond to the emotions of the moment, as I would have been more likely to have hurt the relationship rather than nurture. I am not comfortable "out of control," which really leads me to the insight. What is the underlying issue, what can I do to correct my responsibility? All I can ever change, me. My discomfort is the motivator to change, it is taking action and leaving the results up to Him. Taking this approach I can make more significant impact on me and the situations of life. Not allowing others to control my emotion, or having power, limiting my understanding of His Grace, "He has ransomed me." I need to remain focused on who I am in Him........I then honor others, despite the situations.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Business tip...

I have one guy that works for us here, that potentially is the best at organization, if we reel him in from some of his wacky ideas on storage systems. The wheel has been invented and perfected! He can go through the shop with great zeal and organize, the problem that is faced, he doesn't understand the much maligned "dewy decimal system!" It is not hardware with hardware, fasteners with fasteners or wood species with wood specie. It is some kind of organizational process requiring a combination of engineering degree, absence of reason and degree of complication for a rocket scientist! I may just lack the "creative genius" he possess. Now given the organizational prowess, organized school of thought, if the formula is not written out no one else will ever know. The key to this component is the minute after he organizes, he doesn't even remember! See I was born with some genetic glitch paired with Hardy Boy mysteries in my youth that allow me the opportunity to think through, take notes (mentally) and use the powers of simple observation. He could organize a pink box, blue box and white one filled with stuff and never even recognize the colors in which set them apart, let alone look inside to run a quick analysis & mental spreadsheet. I write this entry as again we have suddenly been jolted into a dead stop, 6 people halted, to look for something he remembers from yesterday placing somewhere? Somewhere? Where?

We have a delivery going out with these needed components for completion, one would might ask "what about putting them with all the other cabinets being delivered?" It makes sense to me, I guess that's where I go wrong!

Friday, May 9, 2008

weather excitement...

Have you ever notice the excitement a meteorologist gets when reporting on threatening weather? Last night, some distance from our city, yet needing to report bad weather as it is still considered "in your region," preempting prime time television. Yes, the moment they've been waiting for, cursing fair weather, celebrating the storm, on prime time no less! I responded after the first 1/2 hour of minute by minute coverage some 90 miles away, "the weather nerds are still doing play by play...." Realizing this was out loud, I had to promptly correct my remark and apologize "little ears were listening!" Sorry Mr. S. Cloud & Mr. H. Rain for my remarks, I know you've worked hard at your occupation and have the latest technology, "my bad." For one hour of primetime TV, these 2 analyzed the weather passing through our region, with overhead radar, dopler radar, 3-d radar, computer enhanced radar, super 3-d moblie radar, wind gust radar and street level radar! Let's not forget the reporter filming from locations all over the area. The one waiting for the rain on location, the one who gets the rain falling on them, rustling winds in the background as the hood blows off their head and rain gear flapping while they report on storm conditions. Then minutes of gripping phone calls of local people calling in to report on the conditions at their house, "the wind is blowing, we've had some rain...."

As the coverage continued relentlessly with no apparent end, I could only wonder why didn't the warning bars just role across the bottom of the screen? I guess the 30 million dollar radar investments just have to be used allowing the weather team to do what they do. Then I began thinking are these really their names? Does a meteorologist choose their name? Or is it some sort of predestined prophecy, named in youth and what else could they be without teasing from the other kids in their class? If you are not a native american and bare the name Gusty Winds, Storm Cloud, what else would you become?

Spiritual takeaway, I have a choice, I turned to Verse network to watch good hockey! I found peace in the storm, calm waters and clear sky.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

busy night...

On the way home, time is tight, it's small group night! Sandra is busy with a number of things for the next day, in efforts to help multi-task, I stop off at a fast food joint, pick up dinner for everyone. Nothing about this visit was fast, I wrapped around the place in my truck to scope out traffic at the window, ok I'll go inside! Thought our order may be better serve to go in, I would be less likely to get it wrong, I fold under the pressure of fast food mumbling at the muffled microphone! How do people do it?

Well it looks clear inside, may get right to the counter, rehearsing the order on my way in, painstakingly pursue perfection of the order, I am not going to crumble this time. I slowly begin placing the order, again the pursuit of an accurate order. As buttons are being pushed at interface, it seems I have asked for the formula to genetic reconstruction. With a puzzled look on his face, calls in reinforcement, another comes up to input information. Let's start over it appears......this goes on for some 14+ minutes, that's just placing the order, bottom line ..... physics was easier to learn in school.

Overcharged, frustrated, felt like I had inconvenienced them by placing an order. I am a very level headed person, with great patience, understanding and respect for others. I have not been somewhere in a long time that I saw so many people that disliked having to work, perform their job responsibilities or have such a lack of concern, all collected together. I was there for over 26 minutes and felt violated when I left. I was inwardly quite frustrated so much that I wanted to write a complaint to the owner of the franchise, if this was my business I would want to know.

Spiritual takeaway, I have none! I was ticked off, kept it inside, thanked them -without sarcasm. That was the best I could do, those golden arches were tarnished, what I really wanted to say...."pull up those pants, straighten that hat and stop thinking someone owes you something, pay attention...your not that cool!"

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Button fly....

I used to really like button fly shorts, pants. I have become relatively tired of these as they require more time and attention when time is of the essence! They also come with an inherent hazard of missing a button or mis-buttoning giving that Salvador Dali look! I may just be getting older and saving steps is more important than fashion! Zippers, they are so easy, uncomplicated, yet they offer their own risks, in which I would rather not go in to! You'd think after 40 of my some odd 44 years of practice I could get it right, every time! Notice I did give myself some 4 years of grace to learn! I guess looking at an attorney or doctor they too are still practicing!

My spiritual growth is too easy to ask for the zipper approach as well. I have found the ease of a "zipper-like" spirituality makes it all too easy to take for granted the efforts I must make in Him to really grow. One of the most profound things I have heard recently came from my bride while we were discussing quality time with God. She stated boldly "it is not the length of time I am devoting to Him, it is the quality of the time I am investing." Life comes in seasons, it is easy to be too busy for Him, not a wise choice I have found for me. It is making that investment in growing spiritually in Him. When I am in quiet time with Him do I really focus my attention on Him, His word and prayerful consideration? The more I invest the more He discloses, the more attention I pay to Him the better balance I find in all areas of my life. Making time to seek Him, I find I become equipped with the resource to draw on. Answers to prayer, require earnest and active surrender. Request for His direction requires me to look beyond myself, for His grace which is hard to find for me if I am too wrapped in my world.

Back to the button fly, you have to start with the button on the bottom and build up from there. If you miss a button you either reveal yourself in the wrong light or appear as some sort of morphed art! At least you know all the buttons are there. That's not half as bad as the hazards a "zipper" approach can cause......ouch!

Monday, May 5, 2008

I feel like a parent.....

I often have this feeling of a parent waiting for my child to come home. At least the way I used to make my mother wait, perhaps payback! Our hours of operation are 8-5, not too early as far as I am concerned. Every morning I wait for their arrival, I have a couple of guys who used to be at least 15 minutes early everyday, this makes me happy! Yet, I have 2 that have this chronic problem of being late. Consistently, I ask them to correct their timeliness, as it is a pet peeve of mine. Time always works itself out here, yet I struggle with the understanding of why this is so difficult. I sit at my desk and wait, watching the clock and pray I may get over this issue, as I know their value is greater than my issue with tardiness. They resolve to be better about this and it works for a couple of days at best. I allow a great deal of freedoms, offer great benefits and pay well. I want this to be a place we all flourish and enjoy, it is not a dictatorship, I am however the employer, where's the line? We have an awesome chemistry here offering an incredible weave of abilities, and balanced personality.
Here's the interesting thing, the ones who are early have not rubbed off on the one's whom are late. It is the exact opposite, this affects the whole negatively, an example, one who arrives early has now started to simply sit in the parking lot until others arrive. There are a number of ways in which I could take this, I will try an focus on one direction, good luck! As this is a thorn in my side on a number of levels.

My spirit can also be infected by an infiltration of negative thought, if I do not stop it through any combination of actions. No matter how many things I am doing right, the constant relapse of thought can permeate my whole attitude. Allowing the negative to have topography in my life, if left unattended will take hold, take root and take over. When preparing a meal, it can be the most beautiful dish, plated with prime ingredients, however one over seasoned part can bear distaste to the entire meal. 2Corinthians 10:5

Friday, May 2, 2008

Tears at midday.....

Ok, here I sit at the power seat, driving this dynamic business, making decisions that will effect, well me (just kiddin')! Sittin' yes, with joyful tears in my eyes. I might add not hiding the emotions very well, I will have to live with this one for a while. When asked I simply responded, I am cutting payroll, it's always very painful!

That's ok, because if you check out the link below it too may hammer home "the process is the point." Even more importantly, He is worthy of our praise, now do not give up on this video as it is 13 minutes. After all Nick did not give up when all the forces seem to work against him or perhaps you will miss the most important part. I serve on a team at church we've been cycling some prayers requests, it all started with someone else speaking to some struggles in his life right now. He was requesting prayer from us, this is an incredible team as I have seen witness to through the immediate response to his request. This video link was forwarded from Scott, an awesome dude in my eyes with intense testimony & powerful decision in Him. So when he linked this, I had to look.......Glad I did because it adds significant impact to who I am, in this case whom I am not. Would I have the same drive, determination and desire for Him? If this does not add perspective, triumphant praise in overcoming limitations and give you a positive attitude towards the challenges in your closer attention next time you watch!
Nick's testimony

One changes....

One of the people that works for us here is seeing things in his life change, it is awesome to watch. He has worked with us for about a year and half. Challenging past with baggage, which I identify with, he has some different philosophy's about seeking God and how to hear from Him. Bottom line, God is moving in his life, good things are happening in his life, simple things are changing. He is extremely sensitive, which shows his heart. An example is he has never worked for anyone for more than a year. This may not seem a large change to some, I identify with this year timeline, as I used to often change my employ regularly, because "it was always others or the outside forces that needed to change, not me." I've found easing is better than pushing. Plant the seed, nurture and allow it time to take root and it grows. Proves to me I am not in control, He is. This is a great reward, paying mutual benefit, both of us are participating as God grabs hold and changes lives. I could easily say he is perhaps the most loyal of our employees, evident by the response(compliments) I get on a regular basis from our clients. Often a negative response is easily given and a compliment is hard to come by, yet I have clients calling and telling me how much they appreciate his willingness, hard work, craftsmanship and cheerful disposition. This is a perfect example of stepping out of God's way, "His ways are not my ways."

Takeaways for me, as my focus is on developing my walk in Him, He shows the differences that can be made in His power and through His grace. Ministry comes in many forms, He reveals himself as He defines how to serve Him. 2Corinthians 9: 12-15 "This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Impact - Obstacle or Opportunity

A couple of months ago, Pastor spoke to a group of us on the "Houdini Solution," which talks about thinking "inside" the box. The parameters of reality, rather than trying to think outside the box. How I use the constraints of reality, may be the difference in what makes me grow. In efforts to lead rather than follow, both the function and form will need to be transformed within my limitations of the "reality." Often I am approached during my day to design, build something that requires total reconstruction of thought. This means often what has worked will not suffice in today's market. Now, this is not an obstacle, unless I face it with limited creativity. This is simply "thinking inside the box," using the reality of the parameters by which I can operate or create. Standing outside the box, I push against the four walls constructed, all I can do is push the box. Thinking inside the limitation of reality, I push on the walls enabling me to stretch my surroundings.

I was approached to create something described to me, sounding relatively simple. As the description continued, the depths of which became clearly more complicated, quite frankly, by the end, ridiculous, most (intelligent) would throw their hands up and say it can not be done. Thank God for creative ignorance! I started the whole thought with a renewed understanding, I saw the vision of the final product, revised the strategy by which it would need to be implemented to see it through in fruition. This was a clear opportunity to make an impact, not settling for a limited forecast of this obstacle. In this case, for me saying "it can't be done."

God has blessed me with tools, constant re-engineering is required the closer I become to Him. What has worked to grow spiritually is good to build upon, but will not sustain the lasting impact I must have to grow in Him. I must challenge the realities of my life, not from the outside, but from inside and stretch who I am, while focused on Him.