Friday, April 18, 2008

Small World

Yesterday, I me with a new potential client, she was recommended by another client. We discussed their project for sometime, as I was leaving she said she heard I was from New England. I replied "Yes, I was from Connecticut," she "really where?" Turns out she was from the same home town, one year behind me in school, all the same friends, many similarities in our childhood and no doubt we were at the same places, parties and did the same things. This is not something I spend much time in "the past," as it was filled with days I prefer not to relive. I was troubled at that point in my life. Honestly, my ambitions were to turn 21 and legally drink in any state in the Union! God has a sense of humor & a plan, when I was 21, I got sober. We talked about many different things from our childhood, piecing the people and parts of our earlier years what a difference now!
The takeaways, the more we discussed all this, the more charged up about my life now I became. It becomes very clear when looking back in time that I have purpose now in my life. That there is a calling I must reply to in my life. God has delivered me from the life with no future, my limited ambitions. How specific people He placed in my life changed the direction and offered new hope. Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. He has never stopped placing these people in my life, continues to offer hope in my life transforming my heart. I thank Him for the ability to look back see where I have been, recognizing the change and delivering me from the chains...... Do not overlook the past, it offers new hope for the future.