Monday, April 7, 2008

Brave Heart

Great message at church yesterday, really made me think of a couple things, first I have to thank Michael Leahy for sharing his message with our church body. The other thanks to the Staff at Elevation Church, for tackling the issues of pornography from the pulpit. The message yesterday was not of a fallen minister, athlete having lost everything, the rich and powerful selling their souls. No this message was about the "average Joe," who had the life of Barbie & Ken. Middle income, ok job, family, kids, having what was expected from this stereotype. An all-American family, powerfully hammered home to me, it's the things unseen, "Brady Bunch" does not exist, the man who has 2 lives, that which is seen, and the silence unseen, gripped by shame. The story of escalation, to living out fantasy. The absolute truth of believing what they are selling, perfect marketing, knowing the target audience. The porn industry falls short of telling you about the lives, homes and hearts on the brink of total bankruptcy, spiritual, emotional and physical. How about the lives "affected" the ripple effect, families, spouses, children, co-workers, etc.

Absolutely time to face the music of sexual immorality, promiscuity and the grip Satan has on the people through seduction of believing what they are selling, that somehow life should be like a porn. Why is the church taking so long to respond? Why is this a 57 billion dollar industry, and the church acts as if it has never heard of this thing, pornography? Or thinking it is not affecting the hearts of the believer. Something so tempting and powerfully seductive, the church is not actively facing the battle, fighting the fight and saving souls. This addiction haunts more than alcoholism, drug addictions, gambling, credit and consumer debt combined, and we do not talk about it, in too many cases we pretend it does not exist. Time to start realizing, not talking only perpetuates the condition of the hearts, continues the generation sin and drives our future further from the Father. Yes, there are some fighting, facing this and helping to save the hearts from the grips of shame, the noose of addiction and the cycle of bondage. Thanks Michael, sharing, stirring and speaking up, believing God has a plan for your life. That "restoration" can only happen when reality is confronted. Let's impact those afflicted with an option, hope that is found in Grace, freedom in Christ.