Sunday, December 27, 2009

Statement or Question

In many areas of my life I have struggled, what I know now is a result of not asking questions, but beginning to make statements. All my life I have wanted people to show me the way to, through or around something. There comes a time in spiritual growth when making a statement has to take priority to the question. The statement precedes the question. With a statement you will begin to find answers. Someone answering my question are still their answers, answers for them and only advise for me. My tendency is to look for the easier solution, if you have already gone through it can save time and  pain for me. You may in fact have a significant impact in my journey, though you are not responsible for my spiritual growth.

Have you ever made the statement, "my prayer time is lacking," or " I just do not have any quiet time." They sound like statements, however their intention is a question, can you tell me what I am missing? Or that somehow your relationship with God is allusive. When in fact a statement will prioritize the questions by accepting responsibility. Maturing in faith requires us to stop living as we are entitled, start receiving by engaging. Make the statement "my prayer time is lacking," stop looking and start doing something about it. Asking question limits your liability and responsibility, it is your relationship. You are the one who stands to receive the rewards of your effort.

Stop searching for the answer when you have the solution. When you take responsibility you can invest in the solution. Looking around can help but ultimately looking up will provide hope. Stop asking a question when a statement should be made revealing truth that only comes from accepting responsibility.