Too much for Twitter!
It has been a long time since my last post, so here's just a thought!
If I have learned anything from Pastor Steven & LB; it is to leverage every opportunity to share the message of the Gospel. This week will be filled to live in contentment with what He has provided and not complain about anything. It will be a perfect opportunity to gain perspective.
Don't be a thermometer as it can only register the temperature. Be the thermostat in your environments this week, a thermostat regulates the temperature effecting everything around it.
In Philippians 2:25-30 Paul speaks of Epaphroditus who's life was balanced in both fellowship and furtherance of the Gospel. It is important that we remain balanced in our daily lives. Like Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other. It takes both to build the Kingdom. As you bring the peace that transcends understanding into your lives it will disclose itself in your personality & relationships. We will do more to impact others, building the walls for our Lord and furthering the Kingdom for His glory. Live what you speak and speak what you live! The Lord has called us to see joy in all our circumstances, that starts with our perspective. Our perspective is reflected in our actions, our actions are what witnesses to others. Be the joy that others see, reflect His glory and beauty.
Be more than others expect, start today, thanks for the most recent challenge Pastor. Should be an interesting week with the "Ugly Jar's" and may Jackson Park be blessed in our shortcomings!