In the Book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah felt lead to rebuild the walls surrounding the city of Jerusalem. He had a great job the "cup bearer" to the King. He had access to the king and was provided the good life, there was no earthly reason for Nehemiah to rebuild the city walls hundreds of miles away. To move from the the palace of the king to a city in ruins, yet Nehemiah knew what was on His heart and said "Here I am Lord - send me."
I pray that I may have that faith, that the comforts of today will not hinder or distract the potential for the future He has for me. I rejoice for brick by brick the Savior has changed me, the walls are being rebuilt strengthened from the enemy. More than fortified, I feel hope. It is a feeling that for many years escaped me because of bondage, behaviors and self serving desires. The brick I thought I would not place, I placed it anyway. It becomes easier to place the other bricks.
God called Biblical heroes on ordinary days. Moses was out tending the sheep when he heard God's call and became a Prophet. David was called home while with his flock and anointed king. Peter, Andrew, James and John were mending nets after a night of failure, but that was the day that Jesus called them to become fishers of men! I read the expression that "like large doors, great life changing events swing on very small hinges." So by the very acts of what we do in honor and service to Him has everlasting impact. We never know the significance of that handshake, conversation by the pool, joyful heart in the classroom, persevering spirit in the boardroom, steadfast for what you believe and how that commonplace conversation will manifest for His glory.
Allow Him to use you, let Him press His plan into your very being. Trust and persevere as Nehemiah, know that the Lord has plans for you. He loves, cares and protects you. Seek His wisdom, Nehemiah sought prayerfully God's plan, waited on God's timing. Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."
I am challenged to place more bricks on that wall this week, have faith to challenge others, be more than you believe you are today. Trust what you are doing in honor to Him will harvest great change in our city....