Just have to brag just a little on God, how He has surrounded me with incredibly instrumental people. From every area and aspect of life. Leaders, co-workers, friends and most of all my bride. Here's what spawns this whole thought. Yesterday, I received a text from a good brother that says this profound concept. "The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you!" Just look at Elijah in the Kerith ravine, the brook dries up, and enter in the widow!
This includes our children, which I have to give a shout out to Jessica. May not be a big deal to you, it is to me! She is now a "certified sitter" having taken the Red Cross Certification for Baby Sitting. Yeah, that's right top of the class, she gets that from her mom! She felt lead to take this course and stepped out of her comforts and allowed God to bless her and stretch her. I am both happy and sad. Jess, I love being your dad and I am so proud of you. This is just the beginning of God using you. Sad, simply because my little girl is growing up, dang God is great!
What's my take away from all this? Besides having an awesome wife! Just few years ago I surrendered to the fact that I do not know how to be a father, He has met me every step of the way. Sometimes I just forget. I may not get it right all the time, but hey I am listening and following Him with application. I'll just keep kneeling and asking Him to lead me.